Senator Nom. Vs. Congressional Nom.


5-Year Member
Mar 8, 2010
This may be a dumb question, but I was just wondering which looks more competitive to the Academy, a Senator nom. or a Congressional Nom? I was under the impression that a Senator nom. would be a little more competitive because it is a State-wide nomination, where as a congressional nomination is just a district. I don't know, but any advise or comments would be greatly appreciated!:thumb:
Just my opinion but a nom is a nom regardless of the source. Assuming of course that they are the same type.....principal nom ect.
Good Luck! :thumb:
I have heard some folks say their senator's nom is primo, but frankly, in our state, the staffs of the senators and congressmen get together to avoid overlap - or that's the accepted rumor.
"A nom is a nom is a nom..."

While it's nice to have a senator's (usually means more folks competed, you did better) at the end of the day, the folks at the SA are going to see that you're an official candidate.

Now, perhaps USNA/USMA/USMMA are different from USAFA but we don't give it any more weight in determining who is selected.

It depends on the state and the district, as far as competitiveness. For admissions, it is more of a checkbox. Nomination? Yes or No...

I would assume in states like Alaska, Senate nominations are easier, since they only have one Rep but two Senators. California would not work the same way!