Air Force and ACRONYMS?!

james r hoffa

5-Year Member
Jan 19, 2011
BFE, DodMerb, ASIC, ALO, VTOL, SINCGARS... even a paper my Liaison gave me was loaded with "yrs, ppl."

Seems like a condition we all have? :D
:D The whole military is that way:biggrin::biggrin::shake: Kind of cool to have our own jargon though!
The trick is to learn how to carry a full conversation in all acronyms.

We PCS'd with TDY enroute from UH to Ft Bragg with a follow on to SJAFB for XTU. Bullet went to SOS for PME as the TDY. He arrived, and was PCA'd from Pope to Bragg as an ALO. Did 30 days in the TLF before TLA ran out, and bought a home based on his BAH. 3 yrs later TMO and A&F screwed up our pay because of our HOR changed from NJ to AK.


Moved from England to North Carolina, and Bullet had to attend military school for Captains, and he stayed there for a few weeks. As soon as we got to Bragg, because of his job, he actually reported to Bragg, so they moved his report station across the street to them instead of Pope. We lived in the base hotel for 30 days, before the per diem ran out and bought the house based on how much he would get for rent. 3 yrs later the transportation office and finance office messed up because when we changed our home of record from NJ to AK, they charged us for the shipping of household goods due to the change of states.

The one even now that messes me up is AD DS-03, 30... If I recall correctly AD-DS -03 is third child. AD DS 30 is Spouse, 1st spouse.

Bullet knows I do not want beloved wife or mother on my epitaph, I want AFAD/DW...anyone who can get that automatically will chuckle and understand.

AFAD/DW = Air Force Active Duty/Dependent Wife.
It takes a while to notice what some things mean. Initially on this site I couldn’t figure out what DD or DS meant. Then I had a stroke of brilliance and caught on!:yllol: