What's more competitive? Duke or USAFA


USAFA '15 Appointee
5-Year Member
Dec 4, 2010
Just out of mere curiosity I'd like everyone's input as to which one is more competitive, then, beyond that which is more rigorous.
Depends on how you look at it. Traditionally, the air force academy has had approximately a 13% acceptance rate and Duke had/has a 16% acceptance rate. But in the last 2 years, the air force academy has had less than a 10% acceptance rate. So based on acceptance rate, the air force academy is more competitive.

But you also have to look at requirements. No other university, other than the 5 military academies have "Physical" requirements. Height, Weight, Physical Conditioning, etc... That alone makes the academies more competitive. Military academies, except for the Coast Guard, also have nomination requirements. You don't need to be nominated to go to Duke, Harvard, etc... Yes, you need letters of recommendation, but you need that for the academies too. So again; the academies are more competitive. You're comparing apples to oranges and trying to come up with a fuel injector. It doesn't work.

Now; as far as which is more rigorous, you are again comparing Pineapples with Pears and trying to come up with a corvette. Military academies have military training added to the curriculum. It has mandatory physical fitness training; mandatory athletic participation; military duties; etc... included in their daily routine. This occupies a lot more time than a normal college or even ROTC would do. Plus, the academies are "Locked Down". Monday-Friday you basically are restricted to campus. Weekends are allowed to leave, but only if you have a PASS. and there aren't enough passes for you to be gone every weekend. You have to live with a roommate. You can't live off campus. You don't have the freedom that civilian schools have. Etc... This all plays into the "Rigors" of the academy. Making it more rigorous than Duke or other universities.

Also; a military academy degree MUST be completed in 4 years. Rarely if ever is a 9th semester authorized. Usually only due to illness or injury. Duke or any other school can be done in 5 or 6 years.

Additionally; the average college degree for an undergraduate degree is approximately 120 credit hours; and you have the ability to major in a B.A. degree. The academies average 140-150 credit hours for an undergraduate degree, and ALL STUDENTS receive a B.Science degree, and must have taken aero engineering, astro engineering, mech engineering, etc... Even an english major.

So there's no doubt that the air force academy is more competitive and more rigorous that any civilian college. But you're comparing unlike items. Hope this helps. mike...
Sir, Great response thank you. A few buddies of mine were rubbing elbows with me and we were talking about who had it harder. It was a friendly dispute, I just wanted to think I was right, and I still think I am! :shake: