CFA next Saturday. Pull up/Basketball Throw help?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Aug 6, 2009
Hello everyone.

I did a practice CFA the other day and it looked like this

Mile Run: 6:40
Push Ups: 70
Sit Ups: 82
Shuttle Run: 9.2 (But was on slippery cement, I'm hoping a track will bring me to 8.0)
BBall throw: 55 ft
Pull Ups: 7

How does it look? I know the BBall throw and the pull ups are below average. Any advice on how to get from 7 to 11 (no pun intended) by saturday. How about getting the basketball throw up?

Thanks for the advice.
Ok here you go. Practice the basketball throw and pullups everyday from now until saturday, BUT take a break friday. Dont do anything. Im not sure how much higher your numbers will get but the other ones are good. You might get another 5 ft on the throw and at least 1 pullup maybe 2. Good luck!
Yes, everything looks really good. I'm sure you could max out on the push ups and situps. And just practice the pull ups and your scores should be good! Good luck!
Just do your very best and it will be fine. If you are able to max the push-ups and sit-ups, your BB throw and pull-ups won't matter as much as long as you meet the min's. Good luck on your test. Make sure that you will never be able to say "I wish I could have done one more_______." I am sure you will do great.


The only real important ones are push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and the run. Those ones are on the PFT/AFT, so if you don't do all that great on the BB throw or the SR, don't worry about it. Now, don't fail them miserably, but don't be concerned if you only throw a 50' BB or get a 9.5 second SR.
just out of curiosity, what are the mins and maxs in each section?
OK, just to put a different light on the subject. You don't HAVE to take it Saturday. It may be convenient, but it is a self imposed deadline. If you KNOW you haven't been working toward this regularly, running 3-4 times a week etc, then you MAY want to put this off. The run and the BBall throw are the only scores that don't look above average. You know how much you have been working on this, and you know how much you have improved since you started. Maybe you are at your peak. Just be sure you understand that this is your call. Submit the best score that you can submit. Good Luck!
Also, this is a link to a previous CFA thread [thread=8015]HERE![/thread]
Pull Ups

If your test is Saturday and today is Tuesday, there really isn't much you can do to improve any of your scores...but there is a lot you can do to hurt them. Your muscles will need a break so I'd do some today (try a set of 5, rest, set of 5, rest, and a set of 5.) and perhaps tomorrow morning (6, rest, 6) but no pull ups on thursday or friday. The strength comes in the 'rest' phase of working out, ie. when your body is repairing the damage caused by the workout. Best advice is get maximum sleep the next few days, only light stretching on thursday and friday, eat a piece of toast and peanut butter and 1/2 banana about 2 hours before the test (you need fuel in the tank) and drink small sips of water up to about 30 minutes before you start (don't fill up on water, just keep in mind that you want to feel hydrated.) An finally..warm up before the test begins. Do you ever see how much warm up Lance Armstrong does before a race? Get you heart rate up and break a slight sweat before the test....and most important: Relax! If you screw up, you can take it in a week or more later.