Having a hard time deciding between USAFA, USMA, and USNA


USNA '28 ⚓ | USMA & USAFA ‘28 Appointee
Mar 30, 2023
This thread could go anywhere but I guess I'll put it in here since I received my USAFA appointment on Monday.

As the title says, I am having a hard time deciding between USAFA, USMA, and USNA. I am extremely fortunate and grateful to be in a position where I have received appointments from all three and have to make this difficult decision. I know that one should base their decision on which branch they would rather serve in but in all honesty I am unsure. I really like the Naval Academy and the Navy in general; I love watching movies and videos on Naval history and the vital role the US Navy played in the WW2 Pacific Theater. At the same time, however, I am unsure that I will like life on a ship. I also love West Point, I had a blast at SLE and West Point's campus is absolutely beautiful. I like that the Army and West Point cadets get to do cool guy stuff like rappeling, field exercises, shooting guns, and blowing stuff up. However, this can take both a heavy physical and mental toll on the body. Lastly, there is USAFA. It is the only one I have not visited yet (I hope to visit in April). I don't know as much about the Air Force as I do about the Army and Navy but I plan on asking my AFJROTC instructors tons of questions about the different jobs available to me as an officer, and doing online research (I am currently listening to different CommissionED youtube podcasts). I think my mom would like me to go to USAFA the most out of the htree since the Air Force has a reputation of being the "luxurious" branch and I will be able to get a noncombat job that she thinks is easier than the Army and Navy. I kind of agree with her but simultaneously, I don't know if I want a desk job in the Air Force, it seems boring to me. And USAFA doesn't take part in the historical Army Navy rivalry. The Army Navy game looks so cool to attend as a Cadet or Midshipman, but a part of me questions if I will really enjoy standing for 3+ hours in the cold watching a football game. I will say though, the Air Force Academy looks gorgeous!

Anyway, I would greatly appreciate any input!
I wouldn't consider any football game or history as part of the decision. I would go with my gut and what I really like/dislike doing as a person.

a part of me questions if I will really enjoy standing for 3+ hours in the cold watching a football game

this can take both a heavy physical and mental toll on the body

If that is really how you feel (and there is nothing wrong with feeling that way) then I would steer clear of the Army and Marines.
. And USAFA doesn't take part in the historical Army Navy rivalry. The Army Navy game looks so cool to attend as a Cadet or Midshipman, but a part of me questions if I will really enjoy standing for 3+ hours in the cold watching a football game. I wil
We do in our own way. If you're here during the the exchange weeks as a midshipman or army cadet well free week of wearing civilian clothes because someone has your whites. Plus you'll be standing out in the cold for three hours no matter the school. Don't take that into account.

Sounds like navy would be a good fit for you. I would love to swing you towards the air force and happy to answer any questions but to me it sounds like you've all but made your mind up. Don't worry about your mom, her input should have a bit of weight but you're the one who lives with the choice. There's really could things here at usafa but mostly tech stuff (beside jumping out of planes and the ropes course). It's ok to want to do that cool **** and worry about the jobs after. It helps that navy has a decent amount of cool jobs as well. Best of luck to you.
All the SAs are in areas that have winters. You will stand in the cold for 3+ hours at all of them. Please don’t make a decision on football games. Focus on the service you want to be in. If the thought of living in there elements and a physical mission, remove USMA and the Marines from your list. There are tons and tons of threads on this topic.
I just want to make some comments that are not intended to dissuade or challenge your plans but are standing out from your own comments. Based on some of your input, I agree with billyb above but actually ask what it is that you want to do in the service of your country? If the "3+ hours of standing in the cold watching a football game" is truly a concern then I think you may find the SA environment very challenging in general. You stated you like watching Navy films but wouldn't enjoy life on a boat, you like the cool stuff but it takes a toll on your body and the AF is most likely to have a non-combat job. You don't mention actual service or what you want to do within the services. Lots of mentions about how beautiful the campus is but nothing about your future role as a leader of the people you will be in charge of as an officer. Are you sure the military is where you want to be and not just an interest? Without a very strong "why" many cadets struggle with the rigors of an SA and there will be many no matter which one you choose. All I would caution is that you ask yourself honestly if service is the goal not a "free" education as time at an SA and years of service are not exactly free. No matter where you choose to go or what your role, the current global environment does not lend itself to anyone in any of the branches being in a strictly non-combat position. I have Marine friends who were in the band who saw active duty in the Gulf War, Navy submariners who saw ground action in Iraq as well as AF logistic officers who saw action on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. Combat is not just reserved for special warfare operators or the Army or Marine combat arms or AF pilots. Just some thoughts from an old operator who is concerned that you might not know your own motivation to serve yet.
Agree with the other posters

What about ROTC? Saw that you have a few offers for that. Could be an option to consider as well if you’re looking for a more normal college experience but still want to serve afterwards. I think you can go reserves with AROTC too if that’s more your style.
This thread could go anywhere but I guess I'll put it in here since I received my USAFA appointment on Monday.

As the title says, I am having a hard time deciding between USAFA, USMA, and USNA. I am extremely fortunate and grateful to be in a position where I have received appointments from all three and have to make this difficult decision. I know that one should base their decision on which branch they would rather serve in but in all honesty I am unsure. I really like the Naval Academy and the Navy in general; I love watching movies and videos on Naval history and the vital role the US Navy played in the WW2 Pacific Theater. At the same time, however, I am unsure that I will like life on a ship. I also love West Point, I had a blast at SLE and West Point's campus is absolutely beautiful. I like that the Army and West Point cadets get to do cool guy stuff like rappeling, field exercises, shooting guns, and blowing stuff up. However, this can take both a heavy physical and mental toll on the body. Lastly, there is USAFA. It is the only one I have not visited yet (I hope to visit in April). I don't know as much about the Air Force as I do about the Army and Navy but I plan on asking my AFJROTC instructors tons of questions about the different jobs available to me as an officer, and doing online research (I am currently listening to different CommissionED youtube podcasts). I think my mom would like me to go to USAFA the most out of the htree since the Air Force has a reputation of being the "luxurious" branch and I will be able to get a noncombat job that she thinks is easier than the Army and Navy. I kind of agree with her but simultaneously, I don't know if I want a desk job in the Air Force, it seems boring to me. And USAFA doesn't take part in the historical Army Navy rivalry. The Army Navy game looks so cool to attend as a Cadet or Midshipman, but a part of me questions if I will really enjoy standing for 3+ hours in the cold watching a football game. I will say though, the Air Force Academy looks gorgeous!

Anyway, I would greatly appreciate any input!
So are you actually in AFJROTC?
If so, it seems odd that you wouldn’t know much about the Air Force.
You need to educate yourself on the jobs available in each branch, and base your decision on that preference. I suggest doing more research and less focus on football games and standing outside. You will be at football games and standing outside watching regardless of which SA you attend.
Don’t get caught up in the pageantry.

I’ve been to the three Academy’s, that you are considering, and they are all beautiful in their own way. They all have many great opportunities available and are uniquely different. Research the opportunities ie. summer training etc..

Congratulations on the three appointments and good luck in your decision process.
So are you actually in AFJROTC?
If so, it seems odd that you wouldn’t know much about the Air Force.
You need to educate yourself on the jobs available in each branch, and base your decision on that preference. I suggest doing more research and less focus on football games and standing outside. You will be at football games and standing outside watching regardless of which SA you attend.
Don’t get caught up in the pageantry.

I’ve been to the three Academy’s, that you are considering, and they are all beautiful in their own way. They all have many great opportunities available and are uniquely different. Research the opportunities ie. summer training etc..

Congratulations on the three appointments and good luck in your decision process.
Yes I am in AFJROTC, this is my 1st year doing it in person. I am not as familiar with all the jobs available to USAFA graduates as I am with USNA and USMA.
What I don’t understand is you not once said what job you’d like to do for the military or after time served. How do you not spell out your intentions like pilot, diesel mechanic, chef, etc. I mean, tell us what you’d like to do.
In the Navy I would like to be a SWO or Submariner, an Engineer or Intel Officer in the Army, and either some sort of CSO, Nuclear and Missile Operations Officer, or Developmental Engineer in the Air Force.
Both of my boys were in the same situation. You need to look well over the horizon not just campus beauty, football games, or any of that nonsense. Find a mentor that you trust to help you with this. Make a list of the pros and cons of each service. What are your long-term goals? What do you want to study? Your areas of interest seem to be all over the place. SWO and Submariner are far removed from Intel Officer and Developmental Engineer. My sons and I used a white board and listed everything we could think of. They both set a hard date to make their decision and stuck with it. You'll never know if you made the correct decision.
I think it’s important to know what you want in the next 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 years etc. Obviously you want to be an officer, and in the immediate future attend an academy. But in 40 years, the football games won’t matter, your degree and MOS training will determine what your post-military career path is. I’ve talked a lot with my dad (Ret. USMC) about careers after the military, and narrowing down a general field of what you want to do will help you pick where you want to go. For example, I’d like to eventually work in a 3-letter agency after retiring, with a degree in international relations. USMC for me is the best option since they don’t care about technical majors (grown up around Marines too). But maybe you want to fly jets or large aircraft while in the service, and get out and fly commercially. Everyone’s path is different, but needs to take into account what they’ll do after the military.

The takeaway from this, in my opinion, is that you should evaluate what kind of environment you’ve lived in. Take into account what you want to do, and then start charting a path towards yourself of how you’ll get there.

Like T-37IP said, a mentor is a great way to get insight and guidance from someone that may have been there and done that. I have a strong professional relationship with a retired LtCol that graduated from the Naval Academy and has worked with me on developing my leadership for the past few years. Maybe you don’t necessarily have someone close by that’s an academy graduate, But I’m sure your parents or relatives have gone through similar conundrums of opportunity cost analysis.
The bus ride. According to the internet it takes 52 minutes to get to East Rutherford from West Point and 3 hours 19 minutes from Annapolis. That's when the Army/Navy game is there. Half the football games are at home. At USNA you would have to ride the bus to Navy Marine Corps Memorial stadium from the Yard for home games. Bus rides are cramped, hot, and smelly. The Army/Navy game this season is at FedEx field in Landover MD which is just down 50 from USNA and a long way from West Point so my logic is starting to falter.

I don't know, just go to the Air Force Academy.