How Will We Know


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Mar 22, 2009
Whether we got accepted or not. Does our ALO inform us first? Online? Mail?
Im going crazy:eek:

Whether we got accepted or not. Does our ALO inform us first? Online? Mail?
Im going crazy:eek:


Yes. (sorry, had to do it)

Unfortunately, there's no set way in which you'll find out. In my son's case, the online status changed first; 3 days later he received the BFE in the mail. WE told his ALO about his appointment; she didn't know.

Some others have had their ALO tell them, then it tool more than a week to get the BFE. And took longer for the status to change.

Some have had their nominator; e.g. representative, senator, etc... contact them first, then the status changed online, then they received the BFE.

Basically, if you can mathematically figure out all the possible combinations to be notified, there's an individual who had that combination happen to them. Sorry, but there's no set method. Depends on the nominator, the ALO, admissions, the web site, and the post office. Depends which one is faster than the other. best of luck. Mike....
Yes, it seems as every case is a little different. My son got a call Thursday night 3/ status still has not changed at all......and still stalking the mail for the BFE that I was positive was going to arrive today...but didn't.

Good luck to you....I am sure the Admissions people are extremely busy during this process.

I will tell you that the ALO is typically one of the last to learn of an appointment!


Because quite often the MoC will learn immediately and will call the appointee! Or they'll see their status change online (we ALO's can't see YOUR page like you can, we have a different page), and then they'll tell the ALO, eventually.

OR...sometimes, but not that often, WE ALO's get a BFE that has the appointment certificate in it and THAT is our first notification. NORMALLY when we get those we wait...and hope the appointee will call us.

So...there's really no telling who will find out first. BUT...if you are appointed, PLEASE remember to tell your ALO...we're mostly just as nervous/anxious as you are!

Just curious now, what do the ALOs see on the page anyway?

We have our own AF website to access called ALOWEB (no, you can't access it) and it has all our AF work, info, well as a listing of ALL the candidates in our state, our personal candidates, etc.

If I pull up any of my "kids" I have EVERYTHING about them: name, address, SSN, phone, email, scores, grades, etc...etc...

Good stuff for ALO's!
