

5-Year Member
Feb 16, 2011
Hey, I just have a few questions regarding push-ups. I can do a medium amount of push-ups but I need to improve on them. I was just wondering if there is a good workout to do a good amount of push-ups.. Thanks!
Check out the Perfect Pushup Bible. http://store.stewsmithptclub.com/pepubi.html

The best way to improve pushups is to do pushups. I highly recommend stopping by the local gym and asking to speak with the physical trainer on staff (there may be more than one). Ask him or her to diagnose you with one workout session to really find out where you are weak (should only be $30-$40). There are two major aspects about pushups: (1) make sure you have proper hand placement (not too far apart and not too close together -- a trainer can show you how to best take advantage of all your muscles with the proper hand placement); and (2) strengthen your lower back (you'll be amazed how much that helps).

Good luck!
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In addition to lower back, make sure to work on your core altogether. Try bearcrawling, or crawling while in prone position.
Also, when you do do the actual PFT, rep out as many pushups as you can, maintaining good form, but just relying on the elasticity of your muscles by "bouncing."
But while you train, it helps to 'hold it'. Like go down, count to three, push up, count to three, and repeat. You'll burn out much faster (which helps), and tone your pectorals, deltoids and triceps better that way.