Weighted or non-weighted GPA


5-Year Member
Nov 6, 2011
My weighted gpa is 4.0+ and my unweighted is about 3.4. Does anyone know what gpa they take into account. Does a withdraw hurt your gpa? If you get a c in PE or Art do they look at that?:confused:
USMA uses class rank. So GPA only matters on a school-to-school basis. If your school uses weighted GPA to determine class rank: that's the one that matters. If your school uses unweighted GPA to determine class rank: then that's the one that matters. You see what I'm saying?
USMA uses class rank. So GPA only matters on a school-to-school basis. If your school uses weighted GPA to determine class rank: that's the one that matters.

My understanding is that not only is GPA a factor, but also the level of difficulty of your classes, number of AP's taken vs offered, etc. They account for weighted vs non-weighted, etc.

Far more than just class rank. That was the nature of the dialog DS saw with his admissions folks. (And not just USMA, it was fairly similar approach used at USNA, USAFA, and most top tier schools)

Maybe it's subjective rather than just how WCS is calculated, but this is the first I've ever heard anyone say GPA did not matter, only class rank.
I don't want to discredit your information at all because it is as equally valid/reputable as mine is, but actually everywhere I've heard that class rank and ACT/SAT pretty much comprise the academic section (60%) of the WCS. There's probably some leeway for subjectivity with the transcripts and the rigor of curriculum, but I'm pretty sure class rank and standardized testing are the biggies.
My understanding is that GPA, class rank, and types of classes you take are all factors in determing

Having a high class rank at a high school that not many graduates attend colleges is not as good as a high class rank at a high school that most graduates attend colleges.

Some schools don't rank.

Some schools don't use weighted GPAs for calculating class ranking so a kid taking all easy classes could have a higher rank.

My general advice to all applicants are

- West Point is not stupid, so if you want to game the admissions process go ahead
- Getting to West Point is like running a race not knowing where the finish line is. How do you win a race like that - by keep on running.
I completely understand what everyones is saying. Thanks for the advice, but if you take hard AP classes does that mean that you have a better chance getting in even if you dont get a great grade?
If your school weights APs and you're confident you won't get a C or below I say go for the AP.