Do i have a chance for NROTC


5-Year Member
May 23, 2011
I am a poolee currently. I got a 92 on my AFQT and a 27 Composite on my asvab with a 32 in math. Im currently working on my Eagle scout and have plenty of community service hours along with working a job. Only problem is my PFT score isnt superb. It is around a 200 Currently. Do i have a chance at the scholarship?
I am a poolee currently. I got a 92 on my AFQT and a 27 Composite on my asvab with a 32 in math. Im currently working on my Eagle scout and have plenty of community service hours along with working a job. Only problem is my PFT score isnt superb. It is around a 200 Currently. Do i have a chance at the scholarship?

Are you in High School, what is a poolee?

The 27 Composite, is that ACT or ASVAB?

What is your GPA?

You really did not list any of the Stats that would used to determine a scholarship such as Leadership, Athletics, SAT & ACT, and GPA.

Your correct, your PFT is well below what would be needed to even be considered.

You really need to list a bit more information to get any assesment at all.

That being said, nobody here is going to give you a firm answer on this question, the best you can get is information about applicants that have and have not received scholarships and what stats they had.

The best answer is, you have no chance at all if you don't apply, that is really the only definitive answer anyone can give.
I am a poolee currently. I got a 92 on my AFQT and a 27 Composite on my asvab with a 32 in math. Im currently working on my Eagle scout and have plenty of community service hours along with working a job. Only problem is my PFT score isnt superb. It is around a 200 Currently. Do i have a chance at the scholarship?

My DS had somewhat better scores in all areas and did not get a scholarship. That being said, it wasn't necessarily his scores which did him in, nor does it mean you don't have a chance. In fact, the only way you don't have a chance is to not apply. Don't be that guy. If the scholarship doesnt pan out you can do the program without the scholarship and apply for an in-school scholarship. If that doesn't pan out, look at PLC. There are many ways to get a commision in the Corps. Go here for a workout plan to improve your PFT score:.
Follow the link at the top of the page for USMC -> PFT Training.
If you want something more ambitious there are links to other workouts on that page. My DS is doing the MARSOC workout to keep in shape over the summer. Trust me, following these will improve your PFT scores and the Marines are all about physical fitness.
A poolee is an enlisted marine who hasnt gone to boot camp yet. My classs rank is 37 out of 248. GPA is 4.3. Class load is entirely AP classes and the 27 composite is for the act.
A poolee is an enlisted marine who hasnt gone to boot camp yet. My classs rank is 37 out of 248. GPA is 4.3. Class load is entirely AP classes and the 27 composite is for the act.

Do you know what you unweighted GPA is.

Other then getting you Eagle, which is good by the way, what other leadership do you have.

What if any athletics do you participate, captain of any. Athletics is important in the Whole Person Score for the scholarship, even more for the Marine Corps Option.

Grades look good, see if you can take the ACT again to bring the English/verbal up a bit, that would help but 27 is not bad.

As Kinnem said, work on that PFT try and get it up to at least a 280 if not higher.
Okay will do. And i believe my unweighted is 3.8 but im not sure. Thanks for the help
Each of the four scholarships (Army, Air Force, Navy, Navy-Marine Option) has a different weight put on each of the


components of evaluation.

Marines is much less on scholar, so your scholarship is WAY above their minimum threshhold.

Marines like physical athletes. The PT test you take is given HUGE importance, as is Varsity athletics... but the PT test is the most important.

When the sh%t hits the fan, your ability to lead Marines in the midst of chaos is critical. Marines are the "Tip of the Spear". There is often chaos. Therefore, your demonstrated leadership is very important also. Were you a Varsity Football, Wrestling, or Lacrosse (high contact sports) team captain? And/or did you take a leadership role in any crisis in your family, school, or community?
Are you still in high school? Why are you a poolee if you're trying to win a 4-year NROTC-MO scholarship? Assuming you're 17 or 18, I'm guessing if you've already enlisted, you're in the DEP, and you're waiting to graduate and present your high school diploma in order to ship out? You do not have to, nor should you, enlist in order to earn an NROTC scholarship. What happened here? The only exception to this I can think of is if you've enlisted into the Marine Corps Reserves to finish Initial Entry Training before you start your first semester, which I'm not sure is even doable for a scholarship recipient.

Your stats are stellar, if only to improve your PFT score. About a 245 is the average for OCC candidates, while a 275+ is ideal and competitive. The same should be for Marine Option midshipmen. Best of luck. Make sure you do not have a misunderstanding about enlistment and NROTC. If you receive the scholarship, you must attend college and enroll in the respective NROTC unit to complete the four years until you commission. You cannot delay the scholarship to be used after an active duty tour. If you're looking for ways to commission as an active duty, enlisted Marine, you must look into the Corps' other commissioning programs: MECEP, OCC, or the Reserve Commissioning Program. Try to meet with your recruiter to clear this up. Good luck!
Last year there were several applicants that had signed up for DEP with Marine Corps while they were applying for the scholarship, some even thought it improved their chance, not sure about that. I know a couple did receive the NROTC MC Option Scholarship. The scholarship trumped the DEP enlistment which they withdrew from before they signed the final papers to ship out to Basic, they then just started school and NROTC as a cadet.

I agree that he should talk to his recruiter if he hasn't already to make sure they understand he is applying for the scholarship.