CCEB day


5-Year Member
Oct 20, 2012
Does anyone know what day of the week the CCEB meets? I received notice that my file will go to the board in the near future and I am wondering if the CCEB usually meets on days that holidays fall on the next two weeks and therefore would be deferred into the middle of January. Any insight is appreciated! Also, does anyone know how much time there is between the date your file is reviewed and when you hear any news? Happy Holidays!!
Does anyone know what day of the week the CCEB meets?

The Cadet Candidate Evaluation Board is the group of faculty/staff that read all complete applications...they make appointment recommendations to the Admissions Committee which reviews all records recommended for an appointment and tenders appointments and/or makes appointment recommendations to the Superintendent. The CCEB will continue reading through the holidays, but the next Admissions Committee is not scheduled until early January. I don't think any EA2 applicants would be notified of their decision prior to January 11th.