Homeschool Candidates - What Documentation

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USNA Grad, Former BGO, Mom to 2 ROTC Grads
5-Year Member
Apr 14, 2015
My son is planning to apply to USNA and CGA for c/o 2020. I've read about the types of characteristics that the academies are looking for. What I'm less clear on is what form the documentation would look like.

For example, the CGA faq page recommends a comprehensive curriculum guide be submitted along with the academic transcript. I'm not sure what the "curriculum guide" would contain. Would this mainly be a set of course descriptions? Are they looking for an overview document that would be similar to a school profile from a public/private school?

My son has good SAT scores, a couple of strong AP results, community college dual enrollment, a sport and scout leadership. I think that he is competitive, but realize how tough the competition is. I don't want a lack of adequate documentation of what he's done to be a stumbling block. He is making lists of instructors and other adults he can use for letters of recommendation.

Does anyone have insight into presenting this type of academic documentation outside a traditional school? It is daunting to now take on the mantle of guidance counselor.
I can't provide the answers you desire and hopefully someone knowledgeable here will point you in the right direction. In the meantime why not contact your admissions officer and get the "official answer".
I'm a homeschooler and applied to USNA and USMA for the class of 2019. For a course description, we put together all of the books and texts books I'd read and used for each class, and wrote a small paragraph describing what each class consisted of (what type of reading, what worksheets, etc) and how it was graded. It wasn't that bad. USMA didn't require it, but I sent it to them anyway. Figured that it wouldn't hurt.
I was homeschooled Freshman-Junior year. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask. I was was part of an organization, and since they provided an academic transcript, I didn't need to provide any sort of course descriptions. I would highly recommend Boys State as well. I went to Girls State and then went to Girls Nation in DC. I was told that it made a substantial impact on my application.
I can't provide the answers you desire and hopefully someone knowledgeable here will point you in the right direction. In the meantime why not contact your admissions officer and get the "official answer".

Thanks for the link. I sent him the same question.

I did find an applicant handbook from a couple years ago that had a little more detail regarding the info needed to evaluate homeschoolers. Looks like I need to get hot on writing my course descriptions. I was caught flat-footed by the need to provide a letter of recommendation and a transcript for AIM. I hadn't expected to need to give that documentation for the summer program, and what was submitted was more bare bones than I would have liked. I'm trying to get ahead of the curve now, so I'm not writing this sort of documentation with a time crunch later.