Academy Chicken


15-Year Member
Founding Member
Jul 20, 2006
I know many of the candidates are looking for something to keep their minds off the wait for 'the letter', so I thought I would give you something to do.

Go to YouTube and search for "Academy Chicken". There are several videos on there by this group, who are all cadets at USAFA. It is quite fun to sit and watch them and their 'commentaries' on life at the Academy. Enjoy.

I know many of the candidates are looking for something to keep their minds off the wait for 'the letter', so I thought I would give you something to do.

Go to YouTube and search for "Academy Chicken". There are several videos on there by this group, who are all cadets at USAFA. It is quite fun to sit and watch them and their 'commentaries' on life at the Academy. Enjoy.


A stressful time indeed, thanks Stealth. Videos are hilarious and whatever happens happens. Everything will work out for all that applied. Good luck candidates.
Hey P-Matt - How many hours you got?

Sorry... my brain is pretty much fried from Calc and Physics.

Edit: Ah, I remember.
Decided not to fly (more of my parents decision). Weighed the benefits and decided it wasn't worth it, since it would be hard to get hours in with baseball. Also talked to an Air Force pilot and trainer and he said that many times they have to unteach what some private instructors have taught. Honestly, for the money, it wasn't worth the gamble of getting in the required hours.

There'll be plenty of opportunities to fly at the USAFA and in the USAF.
I enjoy watching them too lol. Those guys all live one hallway over from me. :)
Thanks, Stealth, for simply another reason to stay away from any other possible time-occupiers. ;)
Ha, the Academy Chicken series is so funny! Hope they make more!
Back Stair studio dudes graduated in 2008. Definately a fan of them. One was a squadmate of mine.
you are all bad influences! I'm sure i'm not the only one, but once I get on youtube, i can't get away from it! It's like Academy Chicken and Coffee!
don't forget the Cadet UCI academy chicken short. and matt and ryan, i claim credit for getting you hooked on those vids. long live you know what!
I saw the first two "Academy Chicken" videos the week they uploaded them. I am glad to see they have made some more.
Most of those guys are in my squad.

I almost made it into the "Open the trunk" skit, but they re-shot part of it, and that was the part. Oh well.:wink:

Apparently, some officer from a UPT base tracked down our CQ number and called to congratulate them!