Is any on else waiting to accept?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Apr 3, 2009
I was wondering if anyone else was waiting until after orientation to accept their appointment. Has everyone here that has received an appointment already accepted and got their packets?
I recieved my appointment on March 23rd, and sent in my acceptance on the 25th. Still waiting on the next packet of paperwork. :)
I recieved my appointment on March 23rd, and sent in my acceptance on the 25th. Still waiting on the next packet of paperwork. :)

You're going to enjoy that packet of paperwork! Carpal Tunnel anyone?
I haven't accepted mine though. Im just going to hand deliver it to admissions at orientation.
I was gunna wait till after orientation but the wait became unbearable.
One son, despite the LOA in October and the early nom and acceptance, waited until Orientation to hand in his paperwork. He just wanted to be absolutely sure (even though he really knew in November it was what he really wanted). Twin2 - don't ask. :unhappy::shake: We saw lots of kids turning in their paper work during orientation, and there was a special table set up just for that purpose.

One kid we met had appointments to USMA, USNA, and to USAFA with noms to all three too. He was trying to decide, and I think he was from Illinois so distance wasn't a factor, nor was that dreaded "humidity during BCT." He was basing his entire decision (so said his mother) on the food. The food.
He was basing his entire decision (so said his mother) on the food. The food.

That is the funniest forum line I have read in a long time. I like the indignation.

I accepted the appointment. Can't wait for the next packet.
Yeah I'm waiting too. I haven't had a chance to visit the Academy yet and I want to be 100% before I sign.
One kid we met had appointments to USMA, USNA, and to USAFA with noms to all three too. He was trying to decide, and I think he was from Illinois so distance wasn't a factor, nor was that dreaded "humidity during BCT." He was basing his entire decision (so said his mother) on the food. The food.

wow im from illinois. and having chicago pretty near to me, it kinda makes sense. food is a big deal. thats still pretty funny though