Ivy league connection

Pretty funny articles here.

One from Washington mentions USNA

And then this from the NY Times, crosses out Navy and puts in the home team...


Location, location, location...
Well- that's about as superficial a group of self infatuated twits as anyone would expect to meet in life. I note that the author of the ABC story apparently flunked spelling in elementary school- that is unless Holy Cross has changed its name.
Article states 80% of TIPS members are single.BIG surprise there. It's good that the better people have a method of meeting only other superior people. I think it would be interesting to dump an entire ships crew after a 2-3 month float into their little get together!:thumb:
groups such as these are proof of Darwin's theory of evolution, in that evolution moves but not aways in a forward direction.:yllol:
Well- that's about as superficial a group of self infatuated twits as anyone would expect to meet in life. I note that the author of the ABC story apparently flunked spelling in elementary school- that is unless Holy Cross has changed its name.

The way I see it, they are doing the rest of the world a favor...sticking with "their own kind". Saves the rest of us the bother of pretending to be impressed with their fancy-schmancy degrees. :cool:
I'm trying to comprehend what the conversations would be about, something like she's sleeping with her supervisor and he's such a Neanderthal he went to a state college, NO. well she always was trashy :rolleyes:
anyone out there have any ideas:shake: