Recent content by 777flier

  1. 7

    Infantry Skills Team (IST)

    Just curious if anyone has experience with IST at USNA (team which competes at the annual Sandhurst Military Skills Competition held at West Point) i.e. the selection process (is there a "screener"), time commitment, training regimen, and Sandhurst itself. Also, what type activity is IST? Is it...
  2. 7

    USNA and color deficiency

    [I was hoping someone knew something?] Suggest you email Larry Mullen at DoDMERB with any questions. A search on this forum under "color vision deficiency" yielded some interesting results. Good luck!
  3. 7

    Class of 2014

    futuremid, if you do a google search for "too fat to fight" you will see this has become a serious problem in several of the world's military forces. In a U.S. DoD report issued earlier this year (from memory...) it was estimated 25% of military aged enlistees are ineligible due to excessive...
  4. 7

    Class of 2014

    Fat is a national trend I also just returned from PPW and was very surprised to see so many overweight mids, inlcuding plebes. It will probably not endear me to this crowd... but there were some seriouly overweight parents walking about the yard as well. This is a societal snapshot... and we...
  5. 7

    Plebe Parents: do not break rules -- or brag about it on Facebook if you do

    subvet, I'm a 777 wannabe. The closest I've gotten is the room-sized cockpit mural in my living room, which I scan during my morning cup of joe... In all seriousness, I've been out on long term medical and will be reapplying for ceritification soon. The aircraft I hope to go back on is...
  6. 7

    Plebe Parents: do not break rules -- or brag about it on Facebook if you do

    Memphis, LoL. At time or another, it could also describe marriage.
  7. 7

    What are my chances of getting into the Naval Academy?

    Sanskrit Vedic Aryan, this is to pay homage to the ancient Vedic Ksatriya (warrior) heritage. Sanskrit, along with Tamil, is among the earliest of languages: Om sanno Mitra san Varuna Sanno Bhavataryama Sanna Indro Brihaspatih Sanno Vishnururukramah Namo Brahmane, Namaste Vayo Tvameva...
  8. 7

    Mail FYI

    I hope blackhawkmom's son receives the letters. If they were resent other than USPS (i.e. Fedex or UPS), we were told delivery during plebe summer is more difficult because they arrive at the express office and not the regular mail office. This incident may offer all an opportunity for...
  9. 7

    Thurston Studios

    I concur with the three previous posts and the "C" grade. No new pictures have been uploaded for several days. On a good note: quick response to email question and one excellent picture during I-day, in my view worth the registration fee. My husband is working in China, where Facebook is...
  10. 7

    Plebe Summer - First Phone Call on Sunday July 11th

    HeyClaire, For what it's worth, re Mongo's post... I have two children. They are both very different. As Mongo noted, one would have been highly upset with any perceived "interference." Even if he had dug a deep hole for himself, he would have wanted to "figure a way out." This same child...
  11. 7

    On USNA Attrition

    MIDNDAD suggested this new thread. Here are links to two recent full text studies: Hollenbach (2003) on attrition predictors during plebe summer; and Bishop (2006) on characteristics and trends of attrition. Attrition is a complex construct and it is beneficial to understand influencing factors...
  12. 7

    Plebe Summer - First Phone Call on Sunday July 11th

    Mongo, the Candidate Multiple (CM) plus the Recommendation of Admissions Board (RAB) = the Whole Person Multiple (WPM). The CM is the quantitative input and the RAB the qualitative input (subjective, unobservable traits not captured in CM, for example essays, recommendations, etc..). The WPM...
  13. 7

    Plebe Summer - First Phone Call on Sunday July 11th

    Resilience Blackhawkmom (is that another moniker for "helicopter mom"? (<:), I truly feel for you... Mongo, while homesickness may be a strong factor affecting plebes' adaptational process at USNA, in my opinion individual resilience [i.e. positive behavioral adaptation when encountering...
  14. 7

    VADM Fowler's response to Fleming (NYT)

    Pima, FYI, this was not an editorial in the NYT. It was an op-ed (opposite the editorial page) piece by Bruce Fleming, PhD, tenured professor of English at USNA, expressing his personal opinon. Re the $170K, to me it is still unclear whether it is the actual cost to educate a midshipman...