Recent content by anausna28

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    What to expect as usna summer seminar?

    Personally I loved Indoc night. Its not bad at all.
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    NAPS Class of 2025 self-updating list

    Yes the deadline for us to accept is May 1st
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    NAPS Class of 2025 self-updating list

    USERNAME DS/DD/SELF LOA/No LOA APPT DATE STATUS STATE NOM SOURCE DIRECT/NON-DIRECT 1 astrofellow SELF LOA 23-Jan-2024 Accepted NY MOC Direct Appointment-Not Recruited 2 wonky_walter SELF No LOA 8-Apr-2024 Accepted NM MOC Direct Appointment-Not Recruited 3 anausna28 SELF No LOA 5-Apr-2024...
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    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    Congratulations! You should join our group chat on Snapchat!
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    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    No, I got informed of it last Friday.
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    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    Nope, I was never under CPR not even a few months ago
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    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    I had 2 noms to USNA so I am not sure if thats right
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    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    I got NAPS- Fully Qualified Offer without going to CPR
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    are braces allowed while at the Academy

    Hello, I got into NAPS and I know I can't have braces while there, but are they allowed while attending USNA. I had braces while in the 8th and 9th grade and my teeth were fixed, but my teeth have now started shifting and my dentist says I need them again. Grateful for any information you can give!
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    Looking for NAPsters

    just messaged you and added you on my personal account! you can add me back and ill send my snapchat
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    Looking for NAPsters

    You can add my mom on instagram (I got her permission to put it on here) and then I will give you my Snapchat to add and we will add you! Her instagram is nursekesia
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    USNA Summer seminar

    For summer seminar they had a bus waiting to take us to USNA after our flight to BWI and then they took us back to BWI on the bus when we headed home.
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    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    for NAPS mine didn’t change, i just got an email informing me of my offer for appt to NAPS and it was in my portal same time as email.
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    NAPS Offers

    I just received my NAPS offer. Has your daughter gotten the class of 24-25 packet yet with the packing list and all the information? Also have you guys done the swearing in for the Navy Reserves?