Recent content by bopper

  1. B

    Am I Insane For Reconsidering?

    I think right now you (and many others) are deciding between the "known and comfortable" and the unknown. I think you know USAFA is the better path for the future and like others say, if it isn't, you can always go back to paramedicine but you can't turn it down now and then change your mind.
  2. B

    USNA or Vanderbilt University?

    I don't think you should encourage him either way... just help him make sure he gets the most information he can to make a decision. Tell him you will support him either way. There are multiple paths towards being an officer because different people need different things. It's not going to be...
  3. B

    Seriously struggling with decision to accept appointment

    Another factor not to go... you already have 93 credits... you would have to start completely would have to take 4 years of college again. And you may place out of lower level classes but then have to take harder classes instead and keep your GPA up.
  4. B

    Question regarding the Math Diagnostics

    i would say it is better for students to take a course again that they may not have mastery of than trying to get into a course they may struggle a bit with. You will have so much going on that being "ahead" in calculus will not be the awesome thing you think it might be even though up until...
  5. B

    2/C at USNA with Eczema - Report or No?

    A main issue with eczema is that they cannot get the small pox vaccine which may be necessary if deployed
  6. B

    Appointment Rescinded

    Slander: the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation. So I hope if someone called West Point and said something false that WP would investigate before making any decisions.
  7. B

    Switching high schools going into senior year

    I would choose a school that had the classes that I would want to take..e.g., Calculus AB (or BC or beyond) and and AP science...hopefully one you can continue leadership in your activities as well or at least continue in your ECs.
  8. B

    Join an athletic team?

    Fill out the recruit quessionnaire?
  9. B

    Waning enthusiasm for USAFA - advice? shows an Orchestra
  10. B

    Need honest and brutal advice

    Also go to Khan Academy and start studying for the SAT... you might have already taken it... what score did you get? You will probably want to get over 1400. Also what courses have you taken? Have you taken calculus? Honors or AP physics?
  11. B

    Feeding Hungry 4,400 Midshipmen in 20 Minutes

    That is generally known as Chicken Cordon Bleu
  12. B

    ROTC v West Point

    There are options for becoming an officer because one path is not right for everyone. It is okay if you want to go to your Top 20 school and do ROTC. People may say "i can't believe you turned down WP" but I assure you, people only care what college you picked for a few months during your senior...
  13. B

    Essay Prompt

    It's "cross-hairs", not cross air.
  14. B

    Taking a lot of heat for choosing USNA over Stanford.

    "Cool! You can pick where you want to go to college and I will pick what is best for me." This is a very short period in your life where anyone cares about your college choices. Later it will be "Wow! US Naval Academy!"
  15. B

    Invited to an Academy Information Meeting (AIM) after LOA+Medical+Fitness+Nominations

    Many colleges have admissions events where they are trying to get you to enroll after they admit you. I imagine that they think that the OP's DD has other options so are trying to "recruit" her to USMA.