Recent content by cookiecafemom

  1. C

    Morale boosters for the midshipmen

    Students taking over KPEngineer: " What I am saying is that the M/N are their own best advocates. They know best what will benefit their morale and what won’t. I just feel like we are talking ABOUT them when we should be talking TO them". Every suggestion and idea has been passed along to...
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    Morale boosters for the midshipmen

    Still brainstorming Brainstorming stays on topic and there are no criticisms of suggestions. That is where the creativity comes. I want to salute bugsy for his/her sacrifices and say we really appreciate what you are doing!! I want to applaud Tankercaptain for all the hardships while...
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    Morale boosters for the midshipmen

    More great ideas that are being passed along tgregg Your good suggestions have been added to the list being passed along. Tankercaptain, I'm adding your suggestion of the T-shirt and hat day, sounds like a fun day. Thanks everyone for taking the time to give great brainstorming ideas...
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    Morale boosters for the midshipmen

    that's great stuff, will pass it on I read your list to my husband and he was smiling as he told me he remembers those things and they made a difference. Will pass on your list. Revival of some of the good stuff should help the morale now as it did then. Thanks very much!!
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    Morale boosters for the midshipmen

    Finally an answer with ideas from a student Good suggestions that will be passed along. This is POSITIVE input. This was opened as a brainstorming session. That means that people throw in ideas and no one is suppose to criticize. Creativity and ideas develop when people are free from...
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    Morale boosters for the midshipmen

    Exactly the reason I started this thread. Thanks Baseballmom
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    Morale boosters for the midshipmen

    What would help the midshipmen to have the best atmosphere and most positive atmosphere at Kings Point? Moms and Dads of CURRENT MIDSHIPMEN (after asking your son/daughter), and MIDSHIPMEN THEMSELVES would be the best source for feedback. What are your ideas and suggestions? This thread...
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    Plebe candidate and family need help

    This was posted on the Parents of 2016 USMMNA facebook: Sam May, a Plebe from FL was just diagnosed with T Cell Adult Lymphoblastic Lymphoma, a rare form of Leukemia. Sammy will start chemo therapy treatments as early as tomorrow, and it is unknown at this time how long the treatments will be...
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    A Call to Action

    BRAINSTORMING can be a way to find positive solutions "One of the strange devices used in the world of problem-solving is known as brain-storming. Take any idea, no matter how far-fetched and put it out there. Let everyone else take shots at it without taking it personally. If the idea survives...
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    Ulterior Motive..not really

    creative ideas for date in jail???? Don't worry fellows, after she finds out what her Dad just did, she will kill him. So start thinking about something creative to do on a death row date:eek: Thanks for the entertainment, this was funny. Good luck on your finals !!
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    A Call to Action

    What is a student to do? A student is not to lie, cheat or steal (or tolerate those who do). Is that last part still in the regulations for Kings Pointers, used to be, is it still there? I know the other academies have that in what the students sign. An alleged offense including lying...
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    Continuing a holiday kp tradition

    Dads, grandfathers and uncles are very important "Oh, great...just leave all the Dads out once again! Dads..who knew? Just kidding..." My error, sorry. My husband always worked very closely with me at Cookie Cafe, I couldn't have done it without him. Many Dads bake the cookies, travel...
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    Continuing a holiday kp tradition

    Last year, I instituted a holiday tradition for all the parents across United States who have students attending Kings Point. This is a tradition that makes all of us feel close and we bond together. The mids feel very close to you and you feel close to them. This Thursday afternoon, Dec...
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    Thanksgiving visit and perspective

    Good perspective Lynpar, I know you are a very excited Mom to have your plebe attending KP. I can tell that by the 380 comments you have put on the Service Academy Forums and your son has only been at KP since July!! But it just shows a very enthusiastic and proud Mom, and rightly so. Your...
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    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy for you and your family What a treat after 4 years to be together for Thanksgiving! I am happy for you and your family. I too wish Happy Thanksgiving to all the families with students out at sea, and sons/daughters deployed. Whether they are here in person, they are here in spirit...