Recent content by FutureAFFalcon

  1. F

    Marijuana Experimentation

    I unfortunately made the foolish mistake of trying marijuana 3 separate times. Similarly, I have had alcohol on a few occasions. I certainly plan to admit to all of it honestly on my DoDMERB forms, but will this automatically disqualify me from getting DoDMERB clearance and ever attending a SA...
  2. F

    Experimented with Marijuana after Appointment (What Will Happen?)

    Pima, if you don't mind me asking, how are the three people chosen? How can the iows dig that deep into your past? I'm sorry if this comes off as too meddlesome. I do plan on, however, coming entirely clean on my DoDMERB. To ultimately summarize, there is no official dictation (that any of us...
  3. F

    Experimented with Marijuana after Appointment (What Will Happen?)

    So there is no automatic disqualification from AFA for 3 uses of marijuana? I assume it would decrease your chances regardless though. I also assume it's the same with the other academies?
  4. F

    Experimented with Marijuana after Appointment (What Will Happen?)

    If you do admit it on DoDMERB forms, then what happens? Does it hurt you chances for being accepted, even destroy them? For me there were 3 times in the last month, after which I swore to never do it again. I will do my best to prove myself worthy of appointment to the AFA, but I'm afraid the...
  5. F

    Experimented with Marijuana after Appointment (What Will Happen?)

    To finally clarify - if a candidate has a past of "experimenting" (<3 uses) with marijuana, has not taken it within time for it to appear on the DoDMERB, and will not take it again, and admits to it on his/her 2030 form, s/he will be safe from dismissal? If s/he doesn't admit to it and there is...