Recent content by Motivated28

  1. M

    USMA KACH Waiver Timeline

    Just learned that the remedial exams we submitted to DODMERB on 28 Jan were successfully sent to USAFA, USNA & Army ROTC, but the upload did not go through to USMA (#1 choice). If you've submitted remedials and haven't heard anything in awhile- be sure to ask DODMERB to verify that your...
  2. M

    Vision waiver denied after receiving LOA

    Did you happen to find out the "waivable standards" for USNA (or USMA)? My son is also waiting on an astigmatism waiver (-3.75 in one eye) and he received a waiver & appointment from USAFA, and a waiver for his 4-yr Army ROTC scholarship, but USMA is where is heart is. Just wondering what those...
  3. M

    USMA KACH Waiver Timeline

    What email address did you use to ask KACH your status?
  4. M

    Astigmatism Waiver for USMA?

    My son is hoping/waiting for a USMA waiver for astigmatism of -3.75 in his left eye. He's received a waiver & appointment to USAFA, and a waiver & 4-yr scholarship for Army ROTC, but USMA (which he has an LOA for) is his 1st choice. Anyone know of people receiving astigmatism waivers for USMA...
  5. M

    West Point SLE 2022 notifications?

    Does anyone know how or when candidates for SLE Summer Leader Experience 2022 will be notified of either selection or non-selection? (Portal? Email?) The website said “in April” but I’m just wondering if it has been a rolling admissions (as in past years) or if others have heard positive or...