Recent content by nrotctier3

  1. N

    Transferring Schools & Branches

    Hello, I'm currently a 4/C Marine Option Midshipman at a unit in a midwest. I am not in-state, and recently have been considering returning to my home state. This is because my mother is experiencing health complications, and I'd rather be 30 minutes away instead of 700 miles away when a...
  2. N

    Recent stats on #s of midshipmen that go into different communities

    I'm curious; how does one go "Others" through NROTC if you're supposed to commission into a URL community?
  3. N

    MARINE Option Only-check your portal

    My DSes portal for Marine Option still says that his English teacher evaluation and birth certificate are waiting to be processed by his recruiter. He didn't get them in until the day after his interview, and he emailed the officer he interviewed with a month before the board and was reassured...
  4. N

    Non-Scholarship Participation

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you're required since about half of Advanced Standings are given out to those who didn't take Calc/Physics, but it's highly recommended if you want even the slightest chance of a sideload. And College Program is still required to take two semesters of...
  5. N

    Bama, Auburn and Mizzou NROTC

    Hello, my DS is applying for the NROTC MO scholarship and has listed Mizzou and Auburn as among his choices as well. We only had the chance to meet with the Mizzou unit so far, but they seemed to be a professional, polite, and well-run unit. There's 68 Midshipmen (50 Navy, 18 Marine). PT is...
  6. N

    Is NROTC Tier III realistic?

    Thank you all for your information. I have gone over all of the statistics with my DS, and he has decided to follow the advice given to him and change to Marine Option since what he wished to do in the Naval service (Pilot/EOD) can also be done in the Marine Corps. Although he applied as an...
  7. N

    Is NROTC Tier III realistic?

    He's smart, but based off his math and science grades, aptitude may be a huge stretch (A 33 on the ACT math implies potential, but a consistent "C" in every single math course implies a lack of motivation and understanding of the material). The instructors at the unit we visited gave us the...
  8. N

    Is NROTC Tier III realistic?

    Hello, my DS is currently applying for the NROTC 4-year scholarship program as well as the USNA, but due to his somewhat low GPA (3.5) as well as the major he listed on his NROTC app (International Relations), he believes his chances are slim to get anything out of High School (He has already...