Recent content by ZoomingFalcon

  1. ZoomingFalcon

    Last Year BCT

    The one that was in 26/Guts B Flight? Yup, he got extra attention:biggrin:
  2. ZoomingFalcon

    Questions for a Freshman Cadet

    With civvies, just tough it out. Now, as recognition approaches, and if your coach is "legit enough" should know everyone well enough by then, have your parents send out some civvies and have your coach hold onto them until the night after rec (trust me, you don't want to be the one...
  3. ZoomingFalcon

    Renovations at Vandy

    I think they're at the end of 19, which is way over by Arnold Hall, but they should be continuing the renovations. Vandy tower is actually the most renovated. Expect construction to keep going on for a WHILE. They're adding an extension onto the cadet gym, which should be done...Fall 2012 I...
  4. ZoomingFalcon

    Usafa sword

    Flight Commanders, Squadron and Group Commanders/Deputy Commanders/DO, and "Big 3" Wing positions.
  5. ZoomingFalcon

    A Zeamer's Guide to Basic

    I cannot stress this enough! Especially when you're marching 6 miles to Jack's when it's 85 degrees. It makes life MISERABLE for about 3 days if you're not prepared. If you don't have compression shorts, wear your PC shorts (the blue USAFA ones you will be issued) under your ABUs.
  6. ZoomingFalcon

    Questions for a Freshman Cadet

    Technically? No. ...just don't get caught...
  7. ZoomingFalcon

    Questions for a Freshman Cadet

    I was told this by a firstie in the econ department: There are 3 things possible to do here with your time. At MOST you can only accomplish 2 of them. 1.) Get good grades. 2.) Get enough sleep. 3.) Have fun.
  8. ZoomingFalcon

    Online Foreign Language Placement Test?

    Yeah, take it, do well. Hopefully you'll show enough skill to get placed in it. Makes life much easier (compared to Russian or Chinese).
  9. ZoomingFalcon

    One day left until Recognition...

    I know I do:biggrin:
  10. ZoomingFalcon

    Wow, that's some weather yo-yo out there!

    Well, at least we get to sleep in that day...
  11. ZoomingFalcon


    Just as a side note...don't count down. You will miss "normal" life very much.
  12. ZoomingFalcon

    Cadet Life questions?

    Push-ups and minutes are 4dig things. After recognition, it's almost like a normal college. But BlackOps has it correct: college is what you make it. If you want to major in aero or physics or something, don't expect to get as much free time as a "fuzzy" major. Even our 3digs complain about some...
  13. ZoomingFalcon


    Yes, you'll be be issued BCGs for BCT. You can choose to wear them or not. I would recommend it for CADM though.
  14. ZoomingFalcon

    California Cadets

    Let's just say that the Big Three are Florida, California, and Texas.
  15. ZoomingFalcon

    Class of 2015 Dates?

    Unless of course you mean "indoctrination".:biggrin: