We've talked about whether having an HSSP Scholarship can help get you into a good school, but what about the inverse?


New Member
Feb 29, 2024
Will being admitted to GA Tech (aerospace engineering) help secure or influence the board for an AFROTC HSSP Scholarship? That out-of-state tuition is killer.
It definitely can't hurt. I recommend that you update your AFROTC Admissions officer with this news (and be sure to attached the 'proof'). I have all my students practice this good habit throughout the application process by updating 'admissions' with all good news, promotions, awards, etc.
It definitely can't hurt. I recommend that you update your AFROTC Admissions officer with this news (and be sure to attached the 'proof'). I have all my students practice this good habit throughout the application process by updating 'admissions' with all good news, promotions, awards, etc.
Thanks - but who is our AFROTC Admissions officer? The person who conducted the interview? The ROO at GA Tech?
The contacts should be in your portal plus there are details inside the HSSP Applicant Guide. It states, "For those with the last name beginning with A-J, contact afrotc.hssp2@us.af.mil; for those with the last name beginning with K-Z, contact afrotc.hssp3@us.af.mil." It also states that ". . . it is critical that you stay in contact with your scholarship technician."
The contacts should be in your portal plus there are details inside the HSSP Applicant Guide. It states, "For those with the last name beginning with A-J, contact afrotc.hssp2@us.af.mil; for those with the last name beginning with K-Z, contact afrotc.hssp3@us.af.mil." It also states that ". . . it is critical that you stay in contact with your scholarship technician."
Gotcha! We've attempted to contact that address twice now with no response. He missed out on being boarded for Space Force because of it, but that's a story for a different thread! :) You've been helpful though, thank you!
Will the timing work? With early decision or admission aren’t you down to maybe two or three boards to meet?
Will the timing work? With early decision or admission aren’t you down to maybe two or three boards to meet?
Just one and it's meeting now. You're right and it's probably too late for us to influence the outcome, but I'm still curious about how it all works. :) Having a scholarship COULD help secure admission in certain circumstances, but could admission help secure a scholarship? I haven't seen that discussed anywhere, so thought I'd ask you experts! :)
Just one and it's meeting now. You're right and it's probably too late for us to influence the outcome, but I'm still curious about how it all works. :) Having a scholarship COULD help secure admission in certain circumstances, but could admission help secure a scholarship? I haven't seen that discussed anywhere, so thought I'd ask you experts! :)
It seems to me that getting into a good school/program was based on qualifications. Those same qualifications will be used to determine scholarships.
The expense of the school doesn't give the scholarship board any pause. Both of my sons listed their most expensive schools as their top choices of the 7 schools. DS2 was awarded to Pepperdine 59K, Santa Clara 58K and the University of San Diego $54K. DS3 was awarded to TCU $52K and Baylor $51K and Ole Miss $26K.
If you got into Harvard should that influence the AF to pay tor school- I don’t think so. Look at where detachments are. I’d say make a plan B to start school without and apply for on campus scholarship. The process is a board so imagine if schools that some applicants got into was part of the process but not for others, well that isn’t fair. Maybe it could impact the interviewer if it was timely. Interviewing at Harvard and got into Harvard . It isn’t part of the process; military hoards have standards and are process driven.

Just my opinion. Most boards are points based.