USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

NAVYALLTHEWAY hits brick wall. DD received her rejection email this morning. No NAPPS, no foundation, not even another month on a wait list, just a big R. Two nominations, Senate and Congress. Summer Seminar attendee. Navy Sports Camp attendee. Maxed out CFR at SS. No medical issues, 31 ACT. Attended private prep high school, 3.9 GPA, took calculus, chemistry, and physics. Took Spanish all four years, was a BB scholar, four-year elite athlete ( meaning she played one sport year round) three year varsity letter winner, voted team captain senior year, voted member of student council, held numerous leadership positions throughout her four years, attended basic leadership summer camp, advanced leadership summer camp, lead and organized retreats, freshmen indoc, and student athlete leadership meetings, sang in the choir, tutored underprivileged kids, and even held a part time job, but the Navy said no thanks. To those of you who got appointments congratulations. To those who didn't, like us, forget about it, the Navy doesn't want you. she is fortunate to have ten other schools that have accepted her, and we get weekly responses from all of them. We won't look back.
that was my DS 3 years ago, all that but 4 nominations..... he's happy at a regular college now.... current DS still pending, everything was in by September
Your daughter sounds similar to my son, he is still pending. The Navy didn’t say no to her, just USNA. Mason has said if he gets TD he will reapply. I am your daughter will make the best decision for her.
My DS last year was just like your DD this year, and I felt similarly when he got his April 12th TWE. Similar stats and accomplishments and noms and everyone said he was getting in. He didn’t. He didn’t have a solid plan B so we had to scramble. To me, and I’ve said it on here so many times, this process absolutely made him better because it challenged him to face who he was honestly and know that if he wanted this, really wanted this, he’d have to double his efforts and improve dramatically. It’s frustrating to have this realization and to feel like you or your amazing son/daughter was turned down. It’s a true test of life; be a phoenix and rise from the ashes! Don’t give up the ship; doesn’t have to be a Navy ship. Go on in life and use this as a lesson and just keep getting better and kicking butt. For the record, my DS is still pending and hopeful but if Navy doesn’t choose him again this year, he’ll be back again stronger next year. Meanwhile he’s making the most of his opportunities within his NROTC unit, loving his class load (seriously, who likes Calc 2!!?) and planning his progression. Keep on just keep on!! Good luck and Go NAVY!!:)
NAVYALLTHEWAY hits brick wall. DD received her rejection email this morning. No NAPPS, no foundation, not even another month on a wait list, just a big R. Two nominations, Senate and Congress. Summer Seminar attendee. Navy Sports Camp attendee. Maxed out CFR at SS. No medical issues, 31 ACT. Attended private prep high school, 3.9 GPA, took calculus, chemistry, and physics. Took Spanish all four years, was a BB scholar, four-year elite athlete ( meaning she played one sport year round) three year varsity letter winner, voted team captain senior year, voted member of student council, held numerous leadership positions throughout her four years, attended basic leadership summer camp, advanced leadership summer camp, lead and organized retreats, freshmen indoc, and student athlete leadership meetings, sang in the choir, tutored underprivileged kids, and even held a part time job, but the Navy said no thanks. To those of you who got appointments congratulations. To those who didn't, like us, forget about it, the Navy doesn't want you. she is fortunate to have ten other schools that have accepted her, and we get weekly responses from all of them. We won't look back.
Best wishes to her, she is well-equipped and ready to launch.

The tough fact every year is there are far more accomplished, talented candidates than there are seats available in a class. USNA and all the SAs face difficult devisions every year.

If she still feels called to serve as a commissioned officer, then she can consider reapplication, NROTC or Navy OCS after college graduation. If she is fine closing the door to service, she was smart to have multiple alternate plans in play. She has laid a great foundation and will no doubt find her path.
Hi all, DS is still pending but USNA asked for updated transcripts last week. He kept his grades up, which is good, but not sure why USNA would ask for updated transcripts so close to April 15. Has anyone else that is pending been asked lately?
Still pending. My DS cannot have phone in classes & is on a block schedule so maybe today maybe tomorrow- it's all so much b/c he's got get in housing for Plan B. It's been a heck of a ride. He has similar attributes to everyone who's posting. I have no idea how he's done what he's done in hs & I hope all walk at hs graduation incredibly proud. I'm just posting b/c as a parent, this is really hard to sit and watch. Yet, what's been hitting me the past few days is if he wants this LIFE, he will keep going for it. Or did he just want the academy? For any 17/18yr old - not sure if we can expect them to process such a decision. I'm prior service (I'm ok that he wanted Navy though it stings lol :) & went the OCS route. I've told my kids it was the best & worst decision of my life. When I got to my 1st duty station, no one gave a you know what about how I was commissioned. I was low on the pole of importance and my platoon sergeant made sure I knew it. No one really cared how anyone got commissioned. And I learned being an officer was far more than saying "I'm an officer". Long story short, it will sting & hurt. But nothing every worth achieving comes easy or everyone would do it. I know the experience I had in the service truly changed who I was, but it also came at a cost. Not sure I'm making sense. Just a parent feeling a lot of emotion & knowing I can't fix this for anyone. Life is out there- go & get it.
Hi all, DS is still pending but USNA asked for updated transcripts last week. He kept his grades up, which is good, but not sure why USNA would ask for updated transcripts so close to April 15. Has anyone else that is pending been asked lately?
they usually do this-not sure if it means anything, just probably determining their status
Hi all, DS is still pending but USNA asked for updated transcripts last week. He kept his grades up, which is good, but not sure why USNA would ask for updated transcripts so close to April 15. Has anyone else that is pending been asked lately?
Yep! I was asked almost 2-3 weeks ago. Submitted, received conditional appointment 2 days after.
So it’s 4/10. Still pending without a nomination. Trying to be patient, but with all of the news of declines of candidates that had one (or multiple) nominations, it’s really difficult. I know there are potentials for prep/NAPS etc. but starting to wonder if admissions forgot about my file.
Same here. I haven't been asked for transcripts, but I'm still pending. Nothing's really happened for me since the CPR to Pending change a few months ago.
So it’s 4/10. Still pending without a nomination. Trying to be patient, but with all of the news of declines of candidates that had one (or multiple) nominations, it’s really difficult. I know there are potentials for prep/NAPS etc. but starting to wonder if admissions forgot about my file.
Remember nominations are a administration requirement. They are a box that has to be checked in order to get a appointment. Nothing more. Don't see the wait as negative. Think "they want me so bad they are trying everything they can to get me a spot" instead of "they don't want me". No news is good news until it is bad news or good news.
I don't mean to sound ignorant but what is a conditional appointment?
What IronmanDaremo said. I was awaiting a BF% test! Some get a conditional appointment while waiting for their medical waivers.
Remember nominations are an administration requirement. They are a box that has to be checked in order to get an appointment. Nothing more. Don't see the wait as negative. Think "they want me so bad they are trying everything they can to get me a spot" instead of "they don't want me". No news is good news until it is bad news or good news.
Got it. It’s tough to accept the mantra that they “want me so bad” simply because my file is nowhere near the accomplishments of some candidates. Don’t get me wrong, there are some pretty bright spots, but other areas are not as great (still good). I guess at this point I will run with your advice.
NAVYALLTHEWAY hits brick wall. DD received her rejection email this morning. No NAPPS, no foundation, not even another month on a wait list, just a big R. Two nominations, Senate and Congress. Summer Seminar attendee. Navy Sports Camp attendee. Maxed out CFR at SS. No medical issues, 31 ACT. Attended private prep high school, 3.9 GPA, took calculus, chemistry, and physics. Took Spanish all four years, was a BB scholar, four-year elite athlete ( meaning she played one sport year round) three year varsity letter winner, voted team captain senior year, voted member of student council, held numerous leadership positions throughout her four years, attended basic leadership summer camp, advanced leadership summer camp, lead and organized retreats, freshmen indoc, and student athlete leadership meetings, sang in the choir, tutored underprivileged kids, and even held a part time job, but the Navy said no thanks. To those of you who got appointments congratulations. To those who didn't, like us, forget about it, the Navy doesn't want you. she is fortunate to have ten other schools that have accepted her, and we get weekly responses from all of them. We won't look back.
I’m sorry! My DS got rejected also. She sounds like an amazing girl!
Same here. I haven't been asked for transcripts, but I'm still pending. Nothing's really happened for me since the CPR to Pending change a few months ago.
So to follow up on this string please; are you all first time, just outta high school applicants? For college reapps, there won’t be final semester grades until mid May. I could see where USNA would want quarter 3 HS grades as those are available right now. Thanks for sharing and good luck to all!
Got it. It’s tough to accept the mantra that they “want me so bad” simply because my file is nowhere near the accomplishments of some candidates. Don’t get me wrong, there are some pretty bright spots, but other areas are not as great (still good). I guess at this point I will run with your advice.
Anyone who sees more than one SA appointment cycle will see that comparing "stats" from one candidate to another as a metric of determining who will be offered a appointment is not that effective. Also remember that you are mostly competing against the candidates on your slate and not nationally. So some of these "accomplished" candidates have no bearing on you getting a appointment or not. All you can do is put forth your best effort and application, and wait to see what happens. Comparing yourself to others will only make you feel anxiety and stress. It really doesn't matter what someone's "stats" are when they are appointed. Everyone is different.

Wether you are appointed this year or not, the decision does not quantify your value, nor does it make you more or less compared to other applicants. You get a appointment GREAT! If not, take some time to evaluate your options and decide if you want to go for reapplicant.