how was the 4/8 Appointee Visit?


Jun 26, 2023
can anyone here tell me about the 4/8 appointee visit day? How did it compare to other state or private school admitted students days?

My specific interest is if we'll get to learn about the engineering curriculum and facilities.
I thought they did a good job overall. If you’ve studied the website and appointee handbook, you probably would not learn new information. However, it is still useful to get a distilled summary of the key points to know about the curriculum and what to anticipate. The presentations were well-organized and they covered a lot of ground without losing anyone’s attention.

My impression is that USAFA’s curriculum is more well-rounded than the a mostly STEM-centric or single-track curriculum at other SAs. Some may find that appealing, while others may have a different view.

They also addressed parents-only at the same time they sent the appointees to a session with Cadets. The admissions team reviewed "Parent Support" at length. Approximately half the presentation was geared to helping parents 'let go'. You might've gotten the impression you were at a civilian school if you didn't know you were sitting in an Air Force Academy session.

Having never been to USAFA before, the size of the campus leaves you with a feeling that is hard to describe unless you experience it. The architecture is extraordinary and I left with the impression that the resources at USAFA are the result of what you get when you have a parent organization (Federal Govt.) with an unlimited budget.

If I had a critique, it is that the appointees probably did not leave more inspired vs. when they arrived. Not pumping up the crowd more may have been an oversight or it is just the culture at Air Force vs. other SAs where the camaraderie feels more intense. Most or all attendees were still undecided as of yesterday.
We enjoyed the day but like Hyman Minsky said - he didn't leave inspired. I'd say more than half of the appointees there were in the same boat as my son - trying to decide between two service academies. USAFA didn't go out of the way to sell their SA - rather the mentality was to "find your fit."
We were completely impressed by the opportunities my DS will have attending USAFA. We talked to the recent USAFA grads working in admissions and got a lot questions answered and loved hearing about their experiences. I really loved having direct access to the team blue/silver folks. Spending the weekend in COS was amazing. We loved the whole experience.