USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

These are the statuses I saw in the java inspection:
1. USNA - Fully Qualified Offer of Appointment
2. NAPS - Fully Qualified Offer of Appointment
3. USNA - Conditional Offer of Appointment
4. NAPS - Conditional Offer To NAPS
5. USNA - Wait List
6. NAPS - Wait List
7. Turned Down
So I guess foundation is no longer an option?
Good Morning Everyone!

I’m currently pending as well. It feels like it’s been 6 months since I turned in my application and 3 months since I got a nomination (it has). But today is the day most of us hear back! I hope for good news for all.
May the odds ever be in your favor.
Whatever comes out today --- it's time to celebrate ! The journey actually started on Jan 4, 2023, so it has been one year plus three months. It is over today ! The rejection of NASS was disappointment but it did send a warning to DS --- lower expectation on the application.

TD is fully expected today !

We will also celebrate for earning the national title for having the highest test score (published on this forum) among TDs !