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  • Any one still waiting on a late decision for appt. to USAFA? He got a disqual based on low CFA then he got a retest on 4/23 that he rocked. No official word yet ? Anyone still in this type of holding pattern?
    son got adm disqual. from afa on 3/22 due to a low cfa result. called adm counsleor and she said he did not rec nom from MOC. called the MOC same day was assured he was on the nominated list to academy. corrected by the MOC on the same day with counselor. The couns told us it was too late for a retest on CFA's, on 4/11/12. he has six letters from football and lacrosse and both coaches sent emails that our son did cfa with injured shoulder ,chest virus and character and leadership recmd. 4/16 received a letter from chief of selections authorizing a retest on CFA that he rocked sent in 4/23. status on line shows cand. complete as of 5/4. The Cong. liaison and counselor have both said now on 4/26,5/3 that selections are closed he son will not get a appt. The stat on line remains the same and have not recd any letter with a decision from selections. Why did they have him retest and does he have a chance at late call? I've heard calls are made all the way into late june?
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