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    Wearing the SAM medal at West Point/as an officer?

    If a soldier has earned the Sergeant Audie Murphy medal has a NCO prior to attending West Point, is he allowed to wear it at West Point or as an officer, since he has rightfully earned it? I have tried looking in regulation but cannot find anything for it. edit: For clarification, this medal...
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    Joining a sport team you have no experience in at USMA

    I have a few questions regarding sports to those already in USMA, or know the answer. Is there a definitive list of the activities you can do for your 'sport'? I heard about rock climbing, but I was also wondering if any MMA-type fighting was a sport allowed. Also, the sport I would be...
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    Tips for Fellow Soldiers Applying

    Hello, I am a newly appointed candidate and I thought I might share some of my military accomplishments so as to give suggestions to other Soldiers who might are looking to apply as well. Here are a few things I have done in the military as well as explanations as to why I think they might be...
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    Accomplishments after High School

    Hello, I am an Army Reservist applying to West Point, and I have a very large amount of accomplishments that I achieved in the Army Reserve after high school. For the Candidate Activities Record, there is only options for grades 9-12. I am attempting to let some of my accomplishments be...
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    Disqualified for past 'Adjustment Disorder,' where can I go from here?

    Earlier DoDMERB had put me in a remedial status and requested further mental health records covering some therapy sessions that I had gone to my sophomore year in high school (it was my father's second deployment and I was having troubles dealing with it). Therapy lasted for less than 90 days...