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  1. Stouticus

    Bikes at West Point

    Unless you are a member of the cycling or triathalon team, you won't be able to have a bike at West Point.
  2. Stouticus

    New Cadet Conduct after Accepting Appointment

    Best advice I can give anyone who is in this stage is to be smart about your decisions. Don't get into trouble with the law, party excessively, ect. Just use your common sense when it comes to things between now and A-Day. Also, understand that you need some time to relax before coming since the...
  3. Stouticus

    Training for Beast

    Best advice to someone coming in goes along the same lines as what was mentioned above. Here's a little more to help out. Make sure you're still good with push-ups and sit-ups. One of the biggest focus in the Army is all body fitness. Right now the Army is transitioning to the new PRT/CRT...