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    Will DoDMERB disqualify me for scoliosis?

    Sir, I have a similar condition (L5-S1) Spinal discectomy over a year ago, I enlisted into the ARNG with the surgery under my belt. No waiver was required, and I was fully cleared for duty. Enlisted same day. My problem now is I am an ROTC Cadet applying for a seat, not looking for a...

    Should I bother applying to ROTC and SA's?

    I found this while searching disqualifying conditions: D161.0 - GERD with complications - Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), with complications including, stricture or B-ring, dysphagia, recurrent symptoms or esophagitis despite maintenance medication, or Barrett's esophagitis I believe...

    Army ROTC Major

    In my ROTC class (35 cadets) one of our cadets just received a full 4-year for being an engineering major, another was offered one mainly on language spoken (Russian). Our instructors asked us all what our majors were, and said certain ones have funding pulled aside - such as engineering.

    DoDMERB Process?

    I will be going for a DoDMERB within a few weeks and a lot lays on this exam. I am currently enlisted in the Army National Guard. I enlisted with a back surgery on my record. At MEPS the doctors said no waiver was needed and I was immediately cleared for duty. My question is, in comparison to...