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  1. Wild_Sky

    Pilot- Vision requirements

    Thanks for the quick responses!
  2. Wild_Sky

    Pilot- Vision requirements

    I'm not entirely sure about the terms in your comment. I've received a CSO slot but know I have vision issues. If you can help me understand it would be much appreciated! Here are my vision stats: - I am nearsighted due to astigmatism, with my right eye at 20/40 and my left at 20/50. I wear...
  3. Wild_Sky

    AFROTC Rated Boards 2016

    I haven't gotten a specific date, but my cadre are reporting a "Mid to Late February" window.
  4. Wild_Sky

    AFROTC Rated Boards 2016

    Wow this was extremely helpful, I've been looking for specifics about what scores they used for ABM. Thanks for posting!
  5. Wild_Sky

    AFROTC 2015 Enrollment Allocations

    Thanks for clarifying the specifics!
  6. Wild_Sky

    Need help big detachments out there

    Just sent you ours, hope it helps!
  7. Wild_Sky

    AFROTC 2015 Enrollment Allocations

    Getting flight hours is the the same advice I keep getting from the POC who have pilot slots, so I'll definitely be doing some flying this summer. Looks like I'll have to get a part-time summer job though to pay for it, but it'll be worth it!
  8. Wild_Sky

    AFROTC 2015 Enrollment Allocations

    Thanks for the heads up Pima! I didn't do too hot the Fall semester of my freshmen year, so I've been recovering from it over the past two semesters. By hard work I'll have it above a 3.0 soon. I will definitely dedicate much of my time to preparing for the TBAS and UPT after the semester let's out.
  9. Wild_Sky

    AFROTC 2015 Enrollment Allocations

    Just found out yesterday! BYU Det.855 had a total of 18/19 cadets selected for 95% selection rate. Individual stats: AS 200 Non-Tech/Rated CGPA: 2.8 PFA: 96.2 AFOQT: 63 (Academic Aptitude portion) CC Ranking: Top Third of class