Search results

  1. USNA2021_Dad

    Army Navy Ticket Refunds?

    Any skinny on what the game attendance might look like? I picture some sort of lottery for a few thousand seats but am wondering if anyone knows what options they may be considering...all speculation welcome, hahaha. We still have travel plans, as well, no small feat. Or is it time to request...
  2. USNA2021_Dad

    Color Deficiency

    Does anyone know the exact difference between the color deficiency standards between the USAF and USN/Marine Corps UPT pilot standards? I've heard that the AF standards are different (lower) than Navy/Marine Corps and was just wondering if anyone knows for sure? Sorry if this exists on another...
  3. USNA2021_Dad

    FaceBook Etiquette

    As has been noted here, many of the day to day discussions among SA parents have moved to FB and as such, I've watched some painful lessons learned since I-day last summer. To qualify my comments, I'm a USAFA grad with a DS that's a current plebe in 2021. I'm not trying to snark or troll...
  4. USNA2021_Dad

    Apple products on USNA network?

    Any of you veterans or parents of current MIDNs know if the policy forbidding Apple products on USNA networks is still the same?