Search results

  1. CyberCommando

    Waiver Carry-Over?

  2. CyberCommando

    Disqualfication by DoDMERB for the Academy Applicable to AFROTC?

    I posted here about 4 months ago about trying to get a waiver for Dyslexia in order to attend the academy, but in the end that fell through. I'm still very interested in the Air Force and would like to do ROTC, does anyone know if I am out of luck entirely as I did not get the waiver, or if...
  3. CyberCommando

    Academy Medical Disqualification Carry Over?

    I applied to the Air Force Academy, got a Primary Nomination, and was totally set to attend, when I got a medical disqualification for dyslexia. I submitted my files, believing a waiver would arrive soon due to a variety of factors, but it is yet to appear. My question is, will this limit me...
  4. CyberCommando

    Dyslexia Waiver

    Hola, I am applying to the Air Force Academy for next year, and I am making considerable progress. So far I have recieved Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's Principle Nomination. Unfortunately, I have dyslexia. Dyslexia has never stopped me from doing anything before, and I saw no reason...
  5. CyberCommando

    Less City Wide Interest = Better Chances for those who are?

    I am located in a City that, in general, does not like the military, San Francisco, CA. I have reason to believe that the amount of people applying to the Air Force Academy from here is extremely small. Here are my reasons to believe this: I am the only person my ALO interviewed My friend's...
  6. CyberCommando

    Air Force Cyber Command Officers from the Academy?

    I recently saw quite a few of the Air Force recruiting commercials about the USAF "Cyberspace" programs. However, I have not met one person who is actually going into this program, or is personally involved, do any of you know anything about this? I...