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    Minimum Summer Leave?

    Is there a minimum guaranteed summer leave for cadets?
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    No More Full Dress Gray?

    Just heard from cadet son that all cadets are required to turn in their full dress uniforms after graduation -- apparently USMA is eliminating full dress. Can anyone confirm that this is why?
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    No More Alcohol

    Just heard from cadet son that the Firstie Club and Cow Club will no longer be serving alcohol, and that cadets over 21 will no longer be allowed to drink alcohol on post. [Plebes and those under 21 prohibited from drinking already.] No word on whether the bars in Highland Falls will be off...
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    Ultimate Sacrifice - Dimitri Del Castillo USMA 2009 Lieutenant Del Castillo leaves his wife Katie, a classmate who was deployed with him; he also has a cousin who is USMA 2014, at Camp Buckner now. Our prayers are with him and his family.
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    Alcohol Use

    Can anyone tell me the rules regarding alcohol use by cadets? On post? On pass? On leave?
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    Don't Ask/Don't Tell

    I just watched the State of the Union address and heard President Obama's commitment to open up the military fully to gays this year, followed by the pointed, stony silence of the Joint Chiefs. What is the atmosphere like at teh SAs? Are there gay students? Are they treated within the Corps...