A French trooper looks at the USArmy

That was a pretty awesome (or "bon") article!

The one thing the French, Brits, Canadians, etc had over the US forces in Afghanistan was their beer/rum/wine/etc rations. US forces have official prohibition which means they have to bootleg booze in mail packages, mouthwash bottles, local hooch, etc.

Again, hell of a story. Made me proud of our servicemen.
Man! That is one glowing article. Something of a surprise from what I might have expected to hear from a French perspective.
Great to see a different perspective

Thanks for posting! A wonderful read for both me and DS.
Thanks for the post! I guess it confirms my sense of why US armed forces are somehow different. I also suppose there may be hope for the French, yet! ;-)
I will forward to my DS, together with the thought that while it's nice to bask for a moment in the warmth of praise, one should not ignore the continuous need to work on shortcomings.
Man! That is one glowing article. Something of a surprise from what I might have expected to hear from a French perspective.

That is NOT a 'man in the street' French perspective, by any means. That is a French combat soldier's perspective, and the French military has been 100% volunteer for quite a while now. For a long time after WWII the regular French army was composed of conscripts and wasn't worth the powder to blow it to hell, with the exception of the legion and paratroops. Now the average French unit is actually not too bad.