A Percentage Question.

So can some one clarify how many prep school spots are offered? I am triple q'd---it seems that only about 200 that are triple q'd walk away empty handed?

As far as I know, P school appointments are typically given to those not scholastically q'd.
ohio congressional nominations

Does anyone know how competitive it is to receive a nomination from Northeast Ohio
A five year bump...I'm impressed. But to give a somewhat helpful answer, the senatorial nominations usually bring in around 400 or so applications. Can't comment on NE Ohio as a whole without knowing the district or anything, but on the whole OH is moderately competitive (more so than Montana, but certainly less than say, California.)

Stats change every year. I would suggest if you are looking for NE Ohio stats your ALO is the best voice. The ALO will rack and stack their candidates. that is part of the WCS.

If you want to see anything MOCs and nominations, post on the nomination forum on this site.

An MOC with a slate of ten can only be charged one. The rest must come in from different sources.
~ Rough numbers, but 50% are charged to an MOC.

You can't look at it from a state by state percentage. Once the MOCs are charged it is a new game. WCS matters for the national pool, and if Last year the top 50 for WCS are from OH, but this year Texas is the best, than the percentage will change. Next year it could be Florida.

I am not trying to offend, but a 5 year old thread revival is not where I would start. . Most of the posters on that thread are gone...typical if they do not get an appointment. Nomination forums on this site would be my starting point for what I believe you want answered....competition stats for OH nominations.
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