A well deserved break!


5-Year Member
Jul 12, 2010
We picked up our DS last night around midnight in California, as he came through the turnstile, we could see the unfiltered happiness and a real sense of pride emanating from his face. it feels so good to see our DS and feel that joy & happiness he is experiencing at that very moment when we all see each other.....just great! Looking absolutely fit and sharp in his STDB's and just wanting to share all that has been happening with him these last 4 months...
This beginning of his new life, I feel, has been one of the very best in his life, He has traveled the world with us through his young life, but does not compare to the sense of accomplishment he is feeling now. Even with all the little things he may complain about, they pail in comparison to what he is learning about himself and how he is looking forward to his future plans. I hope the homecoming for all USMMA parents are as fine as our first with our class of 2014 Plebe!
Enjoy your break with your son! It is a well-deserved break for all of them.

As I write, our 2013 B-splitter is sitting in the living room with his brother and two guys who have been his best friends since 4th grade, watching an absolutely inane movie and having a blast. First time he's been home since end of June and follows his first sea split. So many stories to tell....