Abnormal levels of protein in urine


5-Year Member
Sep 29, 2010
I went to my medical examination today and everyhin went fine. Perfect hearing and everything. But when urinalysis came back, it showed I have extremely high levels of protein in my urine. What exactly does this mean? I don't take steroids or any other drugs, im not currently in any athletics or working out, no diabetes or other diseases to my knowledge.

So what will happen? Am I disqualified from the scholarship process?
I have heard that, if you work out heavily the day before your medical exam, this can happen. In most cases, if you "rest" the day before, it goes away. That doesn't appear to have been an issue in your case. Given that I'm not an MD, nor do I play one on TV, if I were you, I'd follow up with Larry Mullen.
What U actually need to do is cut and paste your posting; provide me your complete name and last 4 SSN; and send me an email at Larry.Mullen@dodmerb.tma.osd.mil. I can assist U better from there:thumb: