Academy Application Question


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Apr 14, 2009
I am currently in the process of filling out my USNA Candidate Information online. In the personal data section two of the questions ask:

"Have you ever experienced any exceptional adversity that we should know about?"
"Have you had a unique life experience of which we should be aware?".

The questions let you answer yes or no, then it gives you room to explain.
I cannot decide if it is giving me an opportunity to share something about myself or if the terms "exceptional" and "unique" signal that it only wants me to answer if I have some vital information that would affect my admission to the academy. Any help would be appreciated.
I think USNA1985 could answer this with more amplifying information.

I think an example of what USNA is looking for is the following:

Say in high school someone lost a parent and they still were attending school and working a job in the afternoon, this probably would prevent them from doing sports or extracurricular activities. USNA will only knows this through the individual reporting it or possibly during a BGO interview.

I would consider the above to meet the questions asked on the online application.
They are asking as jadler03 said for any thing like a family member dying for purposes such as explaining a slight drop in your record or showing that you can keep working through tough situations. Either way just be honest in your answer.
For the first question, I think that what it is asking for is if you have had to overcome some difficulty like going to an inner city school or living in a rough neighborhood or having to help support your family because your parents/guardians couldn't adequately provide for the family.

The second question: uniqe experiences could be something like volunteering your summer vacation to go help a poverty stricken country in Africa or South East Asia. It could also be something like helping to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit. Just make sure that you explain how this positivly impacted you.
Yes, don't hesitate to explain circumstances that would prevent the typical after-school activities. We had a sponsor mid who came from a single-parent family, multiple kids, financial challenges, mom had to work 2 blue-collar jobs, couldn't afford childcare, so this fine young man looked after the younger kids, cooked their dinner, helped with homework. He also volunteered at his church on Sundays looking after the younger kids and with church camp in the summer, as a way of looking after his siblings. He was very modest about this. He had excellent grades, top-notch test scores, and ran track, but had no opportunity/funds for summer internships, Eagle Scout, student government and anything after school, etc. His uncle was a Marine SgtMaj who encouraged him to apply to the Academy, and wrote an amazing letter about his maturity and self-discipline. He showed the letter to his BGO, and much became clear about perceived blanks in his application. This young man was very successful at USNA, went on to become a Marine officer, the first one in his family with a college education. Though out of the Marines now, he is helping his siblings with their college education.

Bottom line, there is room for all kinds of background at an SA. If there is a good reason for lack of the usual stuff, speak up!