Allergies and the Coast Guard Academy


5-Year Member
Sep 8, 2010
Hi there everybody. I'm Connor and just began my senior year in Plymouth, MA. I've been looking all over the internet for information on allergies and disqualification, but I have a fairly unusual case. I was recently diagnosed with a shellfish allergy. Oddly enough, a week before the test I ate a whole lobster and clams. I've been eating shellfish my entire life, but the allergy thing first came up when I was 8 when I had a small unknown reaction consisting of itching and hives. Initial tests showed an allergy to various shellfish. I was prescribed an EpiPen and over the years I forgot about it because shellfish have had no affect on me what so ever. The recent test I took showed once again an allergy to the shellfish, I was prescribed an EpiPen and told to avoid shellfish. I am aware that allergies such as peanuts which cause anaphylaxis are immediately disqualifying, but my reaction from years ago, still unknown, was nothing close to that severity, and I've been eating shellfish with no problem my whole life. Can I have any advice from you guys? I'm so paranoid about the whole thing, the Coast Guard has been my dream for as long as I remember. Thanks so much!:thumb:

I suggest you repost to the DODMERB section of this forum. Mr. Larry Mullen, who is a DODMERB official WILL get back to you with OFFICIAL information. He does a great job, and what you really need is an authoritative answer, not a bunch of opinions......and he will get you an answer!