

Mar 3, 2015
Hi everyone...

Well, you can probably guess from the thread title what my issue is now. I was originally DQ'd for JRA in my jaw, but the Air Force sent me to do a rheumatoid factor and ANA test (which were both negative). I'm ASSUMING (but not sure) that my negative results for those tests means I'll probably get a waiver for the JRA. Sure hope so considering it never affects me at all.

Well, I'm an idiot. I sent in my blood test results, which happened to include a hemoglobin count for some reason, which was quite low. (11.9) I was not aware that this was the case until after I sent it in. I'm currently kicking myself for being such a fool and sending in something that wasn't even asked for. This morning I checked my DoDMERB page, and I had another DQ slapped on there, this time for anemia. I'm getting my doctor to write a note saying that the low iron is due to my very vegetable-based diet (which it most likely is) and that I'll be taking iron pills to get it back up (which I will).

My question there any chance that they will remove the DQ based on what my doc writes? And if they don't and I need a waiver...would it even be possible to get one (from AFROTC), especially considering I have another DQ?

Thanks a ton. I'm pretty upset right now, as I can practically feel my dream slipping away. :(
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Send in the doctor's notes about the low iron. It may be enough.
It sounds like the waiver authority already has your records (you said they sent you to get the extra tests), so they probably are the ones who noticed the low hemoglobin. The waiver authority has physicians reviewing all your records, so they will understand whatever your physician writes. At this point, I wouldn't worry if I were you. IMHO, if you have a good explanation as to why your hemoglobin is low & it's easy enough to fix with iron supplements (or change in diet), they will understand.
USAFA83GradWife- thank you very much for your reply. I basically just had my doctor write a note saying that "Mateob has mild anemia which is currently being treated with iron supplementation and diet high in iron rich foods." However, it doesn't mention much about why I have the anemia. Do you think that letter will be enough? And would it remove the DQ or just allow me to be granted a waiver?

Should I give AETC a call and explain that I can take a blood test in a few weeks and prove that it's not an issue?

Thank you!
I don't think it would hurt to ask your doctor to write something about why you have low iron.

This is what I would do:
Write a note yourself explaining your veggie based diet and how that contributed to the low iron. Explain how YOU plan to combat this without the need for supplements through educating yourself on proper nutrition. Then send/fax that letter and the doctor's letter to DoDMERB. They will put it in your files for the Waiver Authority to review. If they need/want more information, they will ask for it.

Keep in mind that DoDMERB isn't staffed with a bunch of ogres. My DD and I had to deal with them through 2 DQs. If you have any questions, call them! They are very helpful!
I don't think it would hurt to ask your doctor to write something about why you have low iron.

This is what I would do:
Write a note yourself explaining your veggie based diet and how that contributed to the low iron. Explain how YOU plan to combat this without the need for supplements through educating yourself on proper nutrition. Then send/fax that letter and the doctor's letter to DoDMERB. They will put it in your files for the Waiver Authority to review. If they need/want more information, they will ask for it.

Keep in mind that DoDMERB isn't staffed with a bunch of ogres. My DD and I had to deal with them through 2 DQs. If you have any questions, call them! They are very helpful!
Just notice that I worded something poorly. " Explain how you plan to prevent this from recurring by educating yourself on proper nutrition."

There, that's better.