App date changes with gov shutdown?


5-Year Member
Oct 14, 2013
I'm trying to get my USAFA application in before Nov. 1st, but have not yet had my Liaison interview. My ALO was furloughed with the government shutdown. Does anyone know if this affects the date my interview must be conducted by?
Someone please answer this question. Many people do not know this, myself included.
This has been discussed on a previous thread.
In-The-Know said:
The Academy is still pressing ahead with early action. The ALOs that have been furloughed have been recalled. If you are interested in early action, contact your ALO and get the interview done as soon as possible.

As offers are made, the class will fill up. If your package is as good as it is going to get, go for early action.

Remember, to be early action "complete", eveything over which you have control must be complete by 1 Nov. Additionally, your teacher evaluations, transcript, USAFA Form 148, senior year schedule, and high school profile must also be in. Due to the delay caused by the shutdown, your ALO eval must be complete by 30 Nov. It is also highly, higly encouraged that your DoDMERB be complete as well.