Application Updates--Grades not available


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Apr 21, 2009
Son has informed me that when they head back to school after the break (Jan. 4), there are still two weeks left before the end of the semester.

Here is my concern: If the Academy begins re-evaluating EA deferrals on Jan. 15, his 1st semester grades won't be available by then.

Should he notify the Academy that grades are coming? He doesn't want them to think he's not actively updating his application. (Objee? Luigi? etc.)

Anyone else seem to have this problem?
Son has informed me that when they head back to school after the break (Jan. 4), there are still two weeks left before the end of the semester.

Here is my concern: If the Academy begins re-evaluating EA deferrals on Jan. 15, his 1st semester grades won't be available by then.

Should he notify the Academy that grades are coming? He doesn't want them to think he's not actively updating his application. (Objee? Luigi? etc.)

Anyone else seem to have this problem?
Objee, Luigi, Boss: Any ideas on this dilemma??

(Son sent an email to his admission answer yet, I'm sure they're really busy!)
Here is my concern: If the Academy begins re-evaluating EA deferrals on Jan. 15, his 1st semester grades won't be available by then. Should he notify the Academy that grades are coming?

The updated information, as requested in the deferral letter, just needs to be sent (postmarked) by February 1st...we will begin reviewing RA files around January 15th, but we don't usually begin reevaluating EA deferrals until February.
He could always request that his guidance department send in his 1st quarter grades if they haven't already been sent in; couldn't hurt!
There are many students in this same situation. Up here in the northeast some high schools don't even FINISH finals until the very end of January. :eek:
is it nessesarily to send your grades again if you are offered a CGAS spot, but are still hoping for regular admission?
IMHO I would send them in, it's only the cost of a stamp. Make sure that they are official copies sent from you guidance department.
we ran into the same situation last year...

My daughter made a grade check sheet up and had each teacher write her current grade and sign it. then had her counselor sign it.. She submitted that to the CGA since there was no report card to send in.