BCT Haircut - Shear Guard Size

Basically bald. If they use a guard, it's the shortest one possible. All the guys are pretty much bald starting on I-Day, and as soon as it gets long enough to look semi-normal, they all get their heads shaved again.
Don't show up to I-Day with a basic haircut... You WILL attract unwanted attention. Even if you cut your hair yourself, the barbers here will just cut your hair again.
Uh, it will be as short as the barber sets it. You have no choice or influence on this, so it matters precisely nill.
My DS said, those 5 minutes in the barbers chair was such a relief on I-day; no yelling at you and you could sit down.
We have a great picture of him from WebGuy with his head half shaved with a laughing smile on his face as obviously the barber had said something to him to make him laugh.
My sons cut off their foot-long afros three weeks before I-Day, to give themselves a chance to grow in a little. They charged 25 cents to rub their heads afterward. Made some real lolly that week. :)