Cadet for a Day... help?

I am so happy that I got a slot! :thumb: :beer1: :jump1::groupwave:
I got one of the October slots. According to the site, registration has already closed.:eek:

There's still that stigma, people don't appreciate being called "cadets," because 99.9% of the time it's used in a derogatory sense by people in the fleet. Also, CFAD=Beansproutting. We're just not allowed to use that terminology anymore because some people might find it "offensive."

There's still that stigma, people don't appreciate being called "cadets," because 99.9% of the time it's used in a derogatory sense by people in the fleet. Also, CFAD=Beansproutting. We're just not allowed to use that terminology anymore because some people might find it "offensive."

Is CFAD overnight?
It says it is closed on the website for each date, is it really?
Nevermind I got the last date in Feburary. Nerve racking to say the least
LITS: CFAD is still an overnight program (its definitely beansprouting...we still call it that), it goes from 1100 thursday morning to 1000 Friday morning. And I honestly hate being called "cadet." It just sounds...strange.

As for there only being four CFADs, there have been more in the past. Maybe these are the ones that are scheduled for now and more will be added in later.
LITS: It's definitely the exact same thing. Some company officer just got offended by the name three of four years back and decided to change it.

And T&F, I agree with you 100%. It usually is used negatively or when someone doesn't know you're own rank. I mean is it really hard to look at someone's name tag and say "Oh hello Mr. or Ms. so and so?" It's so much more personal and appreciated then "Good morning cadet."

We are more than cadets. We DO have names...


Sorry about that.
MMMom, she (well, we) are going Nov 29. It was the only date that didn't conflict with her sports schedule. A nice long ride awaits us right after Thanksgiving weekend. At least we are avoiding holiday traffic...

I would have loved to go in October, however. I bet New London is beautiful then.

What date did you get?

Nigel, DS got the same one! Same reason, that's just the least busy time of year for him out of the other choices. I don't know if I'm coming with him or sending him alone. Need to figure out logistics... we were in the middle of a small DoDMERB crisis this past week, now that we're past that we can focus better!
Well, MMMom, when you know if you are going you'll have to let me know.

I PMed you...

Sorry... didn't mean to be redundant. My PM looked weird, wasn't sure if it sent so wanted to make sure she knew to look for it!
LOL! Well, I agree it does seem redundant. However, I never think to check for PMs so I am not sure if other people do either.

It's a very simple fix. Go to your "User CP" and select "Edit Options."

Look for the check box that says "Show New Private Message Notification Pop-up" and check it.

After that, every time you get a PM you will get a "Pop-Up Box" on the front page when you log in.