Cadet Training & Uniform

Just remember Basic(any basic training) is just a game. Your job is to play it as hard as you can(which will never be hard enough). You wont win, you just wont. The point is to just play your best until its over.
Hornetguy & Raimius: Will one/both of you happen to be cadre/present during Basic Training?
I will be a Cadet EMT for 2nd BCT. Won't stop me from dropping people in my own squad with permission from my classmates (Cobras B-FLT), but I am not cadre by any means. One of the few people where you will be able to speak frankly because, if I attend to you, then I need information to help and not everything else.
In regards to Basic, does the Air force allow chin ups, pull ups, or both? Since both techniques utilize different muscles, I think I should get comfortable with the one that we are most likely required to do.
I don't remember ever doing chin ups. Be sure you are good at pull-ups.
When are you coming to Lackland Raimius? If it is before July I might just have to buy you lunch.
I'll be there the evening of 31 May.

Pull-ups: much different than chin-ups. I was working out with one of my friends back home (Army NG). He decided to do some chin-ups. He definitely did more than I could, but I beat his pull-up number (and he has much more upper body strength than me). Do both, if you like them, but you'll be doing a lot more pull-ups here.