Call me nuts but I have peace of mind

Personal Exercise Program

Basically, it's their morning PT (Physical Training). If they are having problems with weight, body fat or passing any portion of their test, they will usually be assigned to PEP for extra PT to help them. Right now, during INDOC, I think PEP is done by everybody...daily. Hope this helps.
I spoke with the Social Director at KP today, and she told me that every group of Candidates that have come through her program seem very relaxed and actually happy. Hope this helps you parents worry less.

On another note. I took my son (2011) to the airport today to fly to Colorado to visit another Midshipman and then drive back to NY with him. The thought came to me as I said goodbye at the airport, that as KP Parents we get real good at starts with indoc, then acceptance weekend, sea year,'s not so hard saying goodbye, but the difference with KP as opposed to the experience your friends of "normal" college students are having, is that their kids can contact them more. KP kids really are extremely limited in the communications (as they should be because their time should be spend studying, and doing regimental/sports stuff). Anyway, not only are our kids special, but I think it takes a special parent to be the mom or dad of a Mid. Blessings to you all!!!
What is the role of the "Social Director" at Indoc? How does this person interface with the PCs? Just curious. Thanks.
I believe she gives them etiquette classes and the like. She also arranges for the functions at Land Hall.
Did you know there was a book entitled Etiquette For Dummies"? I saw a copy on a shelf in a photo once. I just had to laugh.
the social director is in charge of land hall... she organizes many of the events that your plebo will come to love. Cookie Cafe, which is held every thursday, is the main event that you son/daughter, will cherish A LOT their plebe year. Its home baked desserts donated by the parents associations.

She also runs the etiquette class, organizes the dances and balls, etc....