Can a letter from a coach be added to file?

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10-Year Member
Jan 26, 2012
DS is a recruited athlete for class of 2017. His file is nearing completion, waiting on DoDMERB. Between the time he spends working and the many hours of practice necessary to become a D1 athlete, his extra-curriculars are not strong. He does not have the hundreds of hours volunteer work which is common on these boards. He does volunteer on a weekly basis but he can only manage 2 hours a week. My question is this...Is it acceptable to have personal coach write a letter to admissions explaining the time needed to hone his skills, and the commitment required to compete at the highest level. Would this letter be added to his file and considered when his file is evaluated?

ACT Comp 31, English 33, Math 28, Science 30, Reading 33, Writing 29
Boys State Attendee

Yes, it would be added to his file. Whether it would help is another question entirely.

MANY mids are varsity athletes AND do very well academically AND complete extensive military commitments AND are involved in ECAs. Most candidates (including recruited athletes) manage to be involved in school or community life outside of sports.

A letter suggesting your DS can't have anything more on his plate than academics and athletics could cause USNA to wonder how he'll handle his military obligations which -- trust me -- will be much more than 2 hrs/week. And, I can almost guarantee that his academics at USNA will be more challenging than they are in h.s.

SAs seek students who can "do it all" and do it well. A letter that suggests your DS can't may do more harm than good.

Thus, a letter from the coach MAY be beneficial but I would consider carefully what he will say and how it will come across.
Before I read USNA1985's response, I thought the exact same. It sounds by the way it might be worded that it would be more of an excuse. The Admissions Board already recognizes that committed athletes time is somewhat limited. Though, if one wanted to be involved in community service/ECAs --- if there is a will, there normally is a way.
One other thing . . . in light of NCAA's comments this morning about PSU, consider how it will sound in this environment that a student puts athletics ahead of community. Just saying that this year might not be the best time to make such a statement.
This same thread exists in the USAFA forum. Please go there if you wish to further comment on it.
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