Candidate Visits

The AF has gone back and forth on the Masters, for a while (like for 2 years masters were masked on promotion boards) you did not need one. I know of people who didn't make Lt. Col. because they didn't have their masters. Basically you need one now, and it smart to get one. My spouse got his right after graduation then went to pilot training. He got a second one at Navy War college.

My spouse is a fighter 0-6 and he doesn't hug anyone else in uniform. He will hug me and the kids, my son likes to hug him to see if he can break him. Of course he also sings in a band called "the Hot Taskers" (if you been on a staff you get the joke.)
Just_A_Mom said:
Without a doubt West Point is the most beautiful architecturally. Splendid, breathtaking and an aura surrounds the place that cannot be duplicated. IMHO.

Who would want to duplicate it. One is more than enough. I hear it is particularly charming in the middle of those long cold dark winters that they have up there on the Hudson.:shake: