Civilian Clothes To Bring


Jan 7, 2016
Does anyone know how many civilian clothes we should bring to I-Day? The appointee handbook says a "minimum" and the To Bring Checklist doesn't really mention it (outside of the boxers and v-neck shirts). Any thoughts?
On the safe side: Don't bring anything that isn't on the checklist. You won't be allowed civilian clothes your doolie year anyway.
They only civilian clothes I had on I-Day were the clothes I was wearing and 1 extra t-shirt because I came out the day before I-Day and stayed with a host family through the Bed & Breakfast program. You really won't need any for a while, so you can always have your parents' bring them if they come out for Parents' Weekend or you can bring them back after Thanksgiving or Christmas break. My parents' mailed me a few things that I really wanted after A-Day like my Converse and then brought me my snowboard and snowboard gear (jacket, pants, boots, etc.) when they came for Parents' Weekend.
You will receive all the socks you need and more. Green. Black. White. You will have more sock than you will probably ever wear.
And don't bring ANYTHING else that's not on the list either.

And tell your mother not to send ANYTHING else either, unless you specifically request it.

She may, however, write you letters with lipstick kisses all over the envelope, because she won't understand that that will bring you some special attention. :)

If you REALLY want special attention, wear your "Navy" shirt to I-Day. Let us know how that works out! ;)
I saw one shirt in a picture a few years ago of a dollie on I-day. He said:

"My brother went to the Air Force Academy, and all I got was this stupid T-shirt".

It was pretty classic. Supposedly created a few smiles among the cadre as they got off the bus.